Notes and crap

675 23 10


Oh my god, you see this is the kind of stuff I was known for in 5th grade (Although I didn't know what Hetalia was at the time)

So yeah this is what happens when I write a dark fanfic. I think you can tell that I don't like killing characters lol. And I highly doubt anyone likes it soooo you're welcome! (If you do uhh... sorry)

Anyway, I think it's pretty clear that I made a lot up as I went along. Some parts I had to go through some epic googling but it was worth it. It's funny because when I'm writing stuff like this I'm like

"Oh yeah this is the best fanfic to ever fanfic!"

Then when I'm done I'm like

"What the fruk did I just write...?"
Also I said it wouldn't be more than 10 pages, but look where we are now! So let's see how many reads this trash story get okay?!

It's literally 3:18 a.m as I write this, I'm tired, I'm hungry, help me... So yeah sorry for not posting in 84 years but I got lazy... BUT here it is, the fanfic literally nobody asked for!

But guess what?

I like writing them so I will!

Edit: How is this my most popular story holy shit- I mean have you seen the mistakes? xD

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