Chapter 3

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The worst of the storm had finally passed, although it was still raining and snowing. America slowly opened his eyes, waking up after almost five hours. As he became more coherent, America soon realized that he didn't recognize the room he was in. Though it was too dark to see much. Trying to ignore the growing fear, America sat up in what he could now see was a bed.

"C-Canada?" he called out weakly. A few seconds passed and nothing happened. He tried again but louder this time. About to go for a third try, America stopped when he saw a door open from across the room. Relief washed over him when he saw Canada standing in the doorway.

"Oh. You're awake." he said while reaching over and turning on a light. It was dim so it didn't hurt America's eyes too much. Canada walked over and sat on the bed next to America as he gazed at the floor. Without having to ask, Canada already knew that America knew what happened and how he got there. He could also see the sadness and shame in his eyes. Silently, he reached his arms around his brother and pulled him into an embrace. America just hugged back, trying to not start crying as he remembered the events from before.

"It's okay..." Canada whispered. He's knows America well enough to know when he's about to cry.

"Is it fair? Is it?" America asked softly. Knowing what he was referring to, Canada held him tighter.

"No. No it's not."


"China how the hell could you say something like that?!" England shouted, filled with rage. He felt guilty that he didn't stop the insults being thrown at his former colony before it got out of hand. It never seemed to effect America when people would make fun of his country, looks, people, or cultural, but when they brought up the darkest moments of his history. That's when he would change. He would go really quiet and hide his face in shame. Though he's rarely ever run out because of something someone said. This only fueled England's anger more. It got so bad that France needed to hold him back. China and the other Asians looked completely unfazed.

"He's a violent country. What else is there to say?" Vietnam said calmly. South Korea just nodded in agreement. England screamed at France to let him go, but of course that wouldn't happen.

"Look England. As much as I respect you, I have to say your motivation to defend America is rather... confusing. I mean with the history you two have shared after all." Hong Kong added while turned his gaze over to China. England stopped struggling and stood there. Reluctantly, France loosened his grip and stepped back. Luckily England didn't make any rash decisions. He just stood there. The silence the room was deafening, and all the other countries just looked at each other awkwardly.

"Just so you know. The damage has already been done..." said a quiet voice. Everyone turned their heads to see Japan standing up now. Without saying a word, he walked over and slapped China across the face. All the countries flinched slightly. China just looked shocked.

"England. I'm sorry. I feel like this is my fault."

"Why? If you think about it, you're a victim in all this." England responded, slightly confused.

"America did what he felt like he needed to at the time. At the time... Face it. A lot of you probably wanted to do the same thing if you knew how. But now, it's over. So there's no point in concerning ourselves with it anymore." Japan looked across the room as he talked, gazing at certain countries as thought.

"Besides. He's not the only country who has done dark things." upon finishing, Japan gave a few subtle looks towards Germany, Russia, England, and a few others. Though South Korea had to ruin the moment.

"That's ironic coming from you."
Japan just nodded and sat back down. He may be able to forgive others, but forgiving himself was a different story.

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