Chapter 8

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"Wait hold on!!" when Canada yelled out, America instantly turned around. The crazed look in his eyes still made Canada uneasy, but he endured it.

"T-They... Would remember me if I did this... Wouldn't they?"

"Of course they would!" America smiled widely and grabbed Canada's arms.

"You don't deserve to suffer like this... They will know your name, they will respect you. Don't you want that?!" America waited for a response, and after a few seconds, he finally got one.

"Yeah... I do...Hey America?"


"Is this what insanity feels like..?" Canada's whole body started to twitch as he held the knife tightly in his hands. America just laughed.

"Of course not. Being sane is what will make you win."

The next day

"Come on you git, pick up!" it was the seventh time that England had tried to call America within an hour. He hadn't seen him since the few days before, and he had gotten worried. England thought that he was an idiot who probably had no idea how to take care of himself or others, but still wanted to make sure he was okay. Although after the tenth try, he just decided to give up. Whatever was up with him now, he'd figure it out. Right?

Canada's pov
I tried to pick myself up off the ground after yet another cut to the leg. Me and America had been training with each other for hours, and we didn't plan on stopping. The only thing I want to do is get stronger. After all, how could I leave a good impression on everyone if they stabbed me first?

"Okay. Your turn." I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to catch the knife America just threw at me. Honestly I'm kinda proud I managed to do that... He nodded in approval at my quick movements and pulled out his own blade. I gripped the handle of mine tightly and stood there as he ran towards me. At the last second, I jumped out of the way and made a clean slice down his back. America inhaled sharply through his teeth and fell to the ground. He looked back up at me and smiled.

"Good move."

"Thanks." I replayed as I helped him up. I think I've grown used to the pain at this point, as in its started to not have an effect anymore. God... When we first started it was hell... America was, and still is, so much stronger than me. I had to try to not scream in agony every time I got cut. I'm still not as good as him, but at least I've gotten better!

"Okay. Heads up!" America shouted. I could even think before I felt a sharp pain my neck. Gasping, I made
A sudden turn and snatch America's weapon from his hands. I then stabbed him in his side. Not missing a beat, he grabbed my wrist and pulled the knife out. After that, he kicked me in the stomach and pinned me to the ground. I could feel the blood soaked grass stick to my skin. The metallic smell was strong, but also kinda nice in a way. I panted heavily as he held the knife to my still bleeding neck.

"You've gotten so much better Canada. I'm proud of you."

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