Chapter 1

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America's pov
I'm sick of this... people have been doing nothing but finding new ways to insult me for the past hour. I've been pretending not to care, but on the inside, I wanna kill everyone in this room. Sadly, with them being countries and all, they wouldn't really stay dead.

The only ones not insulting me right now are England, France, and Canada. France and England are giving me weird looks though... almost as if they want to stop this but don't know how to. Looks of sympathy? No that wouldn't make sense. Especially England. He's the last person who would sympathize me.

"I think we can all agree that America is the most violent country here! I mean did we all just forget what he did to Japan?!"
That along with a crash of thunder caused by the storm outside broke me out of my thoughts. Why did they bring that up..? I looked up to see China and the other Asians glaring at me, but Japan sat there with his head down. I didn't say anything in response. I just ran out of the room before anyone could see my tears. I heard someone calling my name, but I didn't look back.

I burst through the doors to the outside and ran into the pouring rain. It was the middle of winter so the sun had already gone down a lot. The snow and ice caused me to slip and I fell on my side. Groaning in pain, I managed to pull myself onto my knees. I just watched as the blood from a cut on my head dripped on the snow, turning it red slowly. If it weren't for the fact that I was crying, you probably wouldn't be able to tell what emotion I was feeling. Hell you probably couldn't tell anyway. Although the emotionless feelings suddenly vanished from me.

I felt hit with a wave of sadness and regret. What China said... It was true. What I did to Japan at the end of World War Two was unforgettable! At least, maybe... he did attack me first after all. The point is, I didn't want to do what I did! Although I wouldn't have had to if he had just surrendered the first time... No, it's in the past anyway! Right? Is there something else I did? Something I did that caused everyone to hate me?

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