Chapter 7

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A loud crash of thunder echoed through the air as lighting lit up the room for a brief moment. Canada already knew it was too late. Too late to save his brother at this point. America was hanging by a thread that was about to break, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"I... I'll be outside..." America whispered as he stood up. Canada's breath hitched as he could see that America was smiling insanely with tears flooding his eyes. He just sat there and watch him walk out. Finally snapping out of it, Canada stood up and ran out the door. Although America wasn't anywhere he could see. Confused and terrified, he tried calling out his name multiple times but to no avail.

"He must left... But where?! And how so fast?!"  he thought while running down the darken streets, somehow not slipping on the wet pavement. Canada continued to call America's name, but no reply came. He slowed his running before eventually stopping to catch his breath. The street he was on was very close to a large section of woods. If that's where America was, there was little to no chance of finding him there.

"This is bad... People might get hurt because I never found a way to stop this!" he cried as he fell to his knees.

"It's okay Matthew..." said a familiar voice from behind. Canada turned his head quickly, only to be horrified by what he saw.

"A-America..? W-What happened? Where did you go?!" he asked quickly as he saw blood dripping from America's arm and head.

"I was about to walk away, but then I saw you running down the road in the opposite direction. So I thought I'd follow you."

"What were you planning on doing..?"

"That's nothing for you to be concerned with. Although I know something that is." America said softly while holding a hand to Canada. He cautiously took it and stood up before back away a few steps.

"What's my concern?" he asked shakily. America laughed and put his hands on his shoulders. He lowered his voice so much that he had whisper in Canada's ear to make sure he heard him over the pouring rain.

"Think about it. Think of all the times you've been ignored. Aren't you tired of that? And do you think I don't notice how you act? I know you want to fix the problem, and I have a proposal for you." America paused and pulled out a small paring knife he had in his pocket.

"Leave your impression on them..."

"Are you insane?! I could never hurt anyone!" Canada was trying his best to resit America's offer, but what he said really got to him. Yes, Canada was getting fed up with consistently going unnoticed or being mistaken, though stabbing someone wasn't the answer! Was it...?

"We both want the same thing... Respect! At this point, there's only one way to it, and you know damn well what it is. Don't you wanna at least take the chance?" America took Canada's hand and passed the knife to him.

"N-No... I can't!"

"It's not like they can die anyway! Sadly... The point is, you could do it without long lasting consequences!"

"If I could, I would kill myself before I killed someone else!"

"No! Don't look at your own blood. Look at the blood of someone you hate." America stopped for a minute, just looking at the ground. After an uncomfortable long silence, he began to walk away.

"But... I suppose it's still your choice..."

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