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John Is a Jonny John POV

"What the hell did I just do?" I felt so much dread set in at once, I could feel everyone looking at me although I doubt they actually were.
"You just beat the shit outta Jefferson" Alexander answered bluntly. I simply hide my face and kept walking to class when my phone buzzed along with everyone else's with a post notification.

A new half breed challenges Jefferson!!

There's a photo of me and Alex. Thomas is on the floor and Madison is pissed. I look at Alexander, he's probably looking at the same thing

"So much for avoiding Jefferson. Oh well at least this year should be interesting." He shut his phone off as he headed back to class. Our first class was History, we walked in to see Professor Washington on his phone, waiting for everybody to sit down.

"Alright!" He put his phone down as we sat in the back, getting a few 'half breeds' and 'mixes' muttered at us. To which Alexander responded to with the middle finger, I payed them no mind.

Time Skip brought to you by the fact that I use time skips too much


Alexander is debating with Jefferson about half-blooded vampire rights. Alex told me before going up to the stand that half bloods are fighting for equality and that most of their rights aren't ensured. They are fighting because whole bloods still can hold power over half bloods because they are half human and according to the Bill of Vampire rights the whole bloods have the right to power over the half bloods.

All of this was pretty useful, 'cause I have a history paper due in a month and I know nothing about vampire history.

Alex Is a HamiHam Ham POV

I glare at Jeffershit, damn this is gonna be heated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you could've been any where in the world tonight but you're here with in New York City. Are you ready for debate huh?" Washington announced. He teaches both history and debate, he's like a father to me but I'd never admit it to him. "Mister Jefferson, you have the floor sir."

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We fought for these ideals we shouldn't settle for less. These are wise words that don't apply to half bloods! Now but Hamilton forgets his ideals would have the government assume the half blood's debts, place your bets as to who that benefits? The very kind of vampire that Hamilton is!" I rolled my eyes, he's talking about my beliefs wow.

"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration. Welcome to present, we're here in a free nation! Would you like to join us? or stay mellow? doin' whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello. A civics lesson from a slaver. 'Hey neighbor' you got power 'cause your parents are vampires! Yo Madison I'm mad a hatter son lemme take my medicine. But damn you two in worse shape than the half blood's debt is in! Sittn' there useless as two shits hey turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits."

Context: The half bloods of the internet want the government to pay for our meds because we have to take them from birth I strongly think that this should be the case instead of just letting the half bloods rack up mountains of debt to pay for their lives.

I got an applaud and headed back to my desk next to john, leaving Thomas brewing in his own anger. I could tell he was trying to hold back from punching me to avoid detention. Once I got to my seat he was flipping me off and heading to his own seat. John looked at me with a curious glance and I prepared for the questions. "How come I never see you take your medicine?" I shrugged "they're expensive as fuck and I'm nearly broke so Peggy lets me steal hers cause she's loaded"

REWIND aka flashback

I was tense, my head was throbbing, I felt like throwing up, I could barely stand, trying to focus in class was hell, Jefferson was constantly trying to fight but that shit ain't happening, my vision is blurry, my ears are ringing, my head is foggy, and I don't have the energy to even eat. I walked out of my last class and was headed to work so that I could get enough money to get my damn pills and I'm looking through my wallet just to make sure I'll have enough after this shift when Jefferson YOINKS my wallet out of my hands.

"THOMAS WHAT THE HELL?!" I used most of my strength try to get it back.

"Ah HAMILTON! Let's see what we have here?" He looked through my wallet, finding the $390 dollars I had been saving for my pills. He looked a bit shocked at the amount. "Four hundred dollars? Wow Hamilton what in the hell are you gonna do with for hundred dollars? You got no one to buy shit for!"

"Thomas FUCKING Jefferson! GIVE ME MY DAMN MONEY" He pulled it away and slipped the money out, a crowd had gathered "WHO WANTS 400 BUCKS?!" He threw the money and I simply watched as the money I saved up  slipped away. I felt myself getting incredibly lightheaded before every thing went black.

When I woke up I was in Peggy's dorm and then second I could see, she was shoving 2 pills and a glass of water in my face.

End of flashback

"How much do your pills cost?" We were on our way to the dorm

"400 dollars" he looked at me like I was from another planet before simply muttering "Jesus..."

"Right now we're trying to get the government to pay for the meds because they're so expensive but of course the half bloods' issues get pushed aside" he nodded and the rest of the walk was silent until was got to the dorm and he asked

"Have you ever considered suicide?"



By Daylight [Vampire Au]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt