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Russia's P.O.V.

Ring Ring Ring Ri-

I slapped the metal piece. It shuts down the metal ring, from the old school clock. Today is the day I move out. This was going to be tiring. New school, uniform and meeting kapitalichiskie idiotav (capitalism idiots). As the ringing stopped I turned to my side checking the clock, 3:47 a.m. Its too early, but it's good I woke up early. I had extra time to get prepared.

I swung my legs out of the warm bed and putting them on the cold concrete, making the rusty springs squeak. I stood up, and limped up to the connected bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror. My shoulders hurt, from all the cuts that pulsates, to all the dark spots that were left there.

I siged as the bruises were almost black. It would be really hard to hide them. I turned on the shower, hoping it would be warm enough to at least ease some of the pain and warm up. I undressed and climbed in, expecting warm bliss but instead feeling the cold stinging rain. I felt murashki (chills) down my hurt back.

The cold was in a somewhat nice, and was slowly waking me up. The only problem is it made all the cuts sting. Ай.(ouch) The worst part was my leg. I knew it was sprained, but I didnt have anything to help with the pain.

After what seemed what to be a long time. I turned off the numbing reliever, and stepped out, drying body. After I finished I reached into the bottom cabinet. It smelled like mold. I took out the small box containing bandages, rubbing alcohol, ban aids and a container with pain relievers. I took out one of the many rolls of bandages and started to rap them around not only my arm, like the usual, but also the shoulders. I don't want any of the idioti (idiots) seeing me injured. I hate wearing them, but my muscles were especially sore, and I would rather wear a brace than accidently hurt my shoulder more. (Picture above)

I made sure the bandages were tight. And took one more glance in the mirtor. I'm a mess.

I walked out and looked again at the metal clock.

4:08 a.m. It said. I quickly walked up to the small broken closet. I took out a formal striped blue shirt, a dark blue vest and a black jacket. The pants were also black. I got dressed into the formal wear and walked over to the cabinet next to the bed, where the alarm clock and a small peice of paper.

I picked it up, and read it aloud, in a whisper voice, to not wake up the others.

CH Academy

-clothes.......... Check


-med kit..........


As I looked through the list I saw the words med kit, and quickly walked to the bathroom, snatching the med kit from the counter.

I placed it in the medium bag with clothes. I really don't have a lot of items to take. I then took the bag and walked down the stairs. Reaching the last step of the staircase, the smell of vodka hit me. This smell was because of yesterday. Father got mad that I was leaving and decided he wanted to  leave some good bye presents.

I reached the front door and stopped. I walked back to the kitchen that was 4 steps away from the living room with the front door.

I found a paper and pen and wrote a goodbye letter to my younger siblings. I made sure to hide them so that Father didn't find it.

I walked back to the front door, put on my shoes, and put on my ushanka. After I stepped out of the door, I took out my phone and called an uber. It was about 4:30 a.m.

The drive to the school was about 40 minutes away. The school was across the whole city. The car finally came and started driving. Sooner or later I made it to the school.

The grounds were huge, they had 2 gates and 3 different wings. Plus extra activity's. The main/middle building is for all the teachers and extra activity's. They had a indoor pool, a field in the back of the building, and library. The Main office was also there. I payed for the ride, and started walking up to the gates, a guard was standing there.

"Name, last name, and documents please." He said with a stern look.

"Russian Federation."  I said as I reached into my smaller bag for my personal items, I took out the documents about my transfer. He took a quick look at the paper and let me in.

I was finally inside the building and the first thing you see is the front office. It had glass walls and the room was round. I pushed the door open and walked in. The lady sitting in the front looked up from the small stack of papers and gave a unpleasant smile. She obviously didn't like her job.

She knew me, well everyone kinda knows me, I am the son of the Soviate Union. And I have awful reputation because of it.

"Documents." She sneered taking another look at me.

I extended my arm out and passed the papers.

She read the document extra carefully, to make sure it wasn't a fake.

"Ok," she said in a annoyed voice.

"Your room is in the 3rd wing. Which is on your right."

I just nodded as a thank you and walked on. The 1rd and 3rd wings are the buildings around the the main building. These wings are for students. On the first floor they have classrooms and on the second floor they have the dorm rooms, the two wings only connect through a bridge on the second floor above the main building.

I was going to the 3rd wing, when I noticed they have a guard there guarding the hallway.

I was going to just walk past him, when he stopped me with his hand.

"Excuse me, but for the safety of the students I need to check your bag" he said. I just gave him my bag and waited for him to be done, he allowed me to pass to my room after finding the documents. I was used to it, not only I look older, but I'm also infamous.

I walked up the stairs to where the dorm rooms are and walked to room A25.

I unlocked the door using the key the front desk lady gave me and walked in. The dorm was nice and clean. I walked to what seemed to be the living room and dropped my bag when I saw who my roommate was.

You are brighter than my stars (usaxrussia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora