{20}A New Beginning

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☕Chapter 20☕
A New Beginning

     You sat on the floor, watching (boy/girl name)
as (he/she) sucked
(his/her) pacifier, shaking a shack-shack around.
Touka was sitting there, with a mug of coffee in her hand and a sad look on her face.
"Touka, sweetie, what's wrong?"
"Yoshimura and the others are out there, risking their lives and I'm here, doing nothing."
"Look Touka, I know you have a lot to fight for, but now, you're too young to be dying for us, let alone someone. We all have our mistakes hung over our heads and will have to face them soon, but it's not your time."
"Then what about Kaneki, he and the rest of Aogiri are out there? Then why can't I go.."
You sighed, "I guess my words don't have enough weight to hold you down."
"Thanks, (Name)." She pulled on her coat, took her scarf and opened the door to leave.
But there was only one problem, Renji was at the door, blocking her from passing.
"Everyone's out there, placing their lives on the line for us, why can't I do the same!?" She began to shout,  "I want to protect (Name), I wanna protect my cousin, I wanna protect Hinami... God damn it, I feel so, so.. so useless!!"

he shouted, and finally Renji moved aside, letting her pass.
"Why'd you let her go?"
"She's grown enough to make her own decisions, just like her brother did."
"I hope she and the others will be okay.." You hoped as you watched Hinami sleeping soundly on the couch and Itori and Uta playing cards.
"Though some of them may not come back, the rest of them will be okay.." Itori said.
"There's nothing to worry about, they're doing this to protect the rest of us, and you, too." Uta assured.
"Okay," you sighed, watching as the snow fell slowly as though time is being stopped.


    It has been a few month since that invasion had took place. It was a never-ending series of unfortunate events, Anteiku was burnt down, most of  the members of Anteiku died, and worst of all, Yoshimura didn't make it.
    You sat at the counter,
with (Boy/Girl Name) in your hands, trying to reach the cash register with (His/Her) small hands.
Touka came downstairs, with the sign in her hands that was placed outside every morning.
She placed it outside and stretched, taking a deep breath of the early morning's air.
She smiled to herself, tucking some hair behind her ears, allowing the breeze to blow it.
"Touka, can you hold (Boy/Girl Name) while I wipe the tables?"
"Yeah, I'm coming.." She walked back inside,
"Come here, you.." She said as she held her cousin, "My, you're getting heavier by the day, huh?"
"Re!" The child exclaimed, waving (His/her) arms, trying to point at the sign outside.
"Yes, it's re. The act of doing something over, like reversing or restarting." Touka said.
"Re, re, re, re!" (He/She) kept saying over and over again.
(Boy/Girl) name was right, it is re. We're starting all over again, we're restarting, like a never-ending cycle..

In Loving Memory Of

Return If Possible

A Gory Love (RenjiXReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon