{14}The Aogiri Tree II

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☕Chapter 14☕
The Aogiri Tree II

    Touka explained everything that took place after Renji and Yoshimura had left,
"So they took (Name), too?"
"What could they possibly want with her? She's a human, right?"
"Not just any human.."
Renji commented,
"What do you mean, 'Not just any human'?"
"She was a CCG Investigator and the man Touka killed back at the drain, was her godfather." Everyone gasped, unable to believe what they have just heard.
  Renji placed some pictures down on the coffee table, one was with you and Mado and the other was with you and your uncle.
"You gotta be shitting me.." Nishiki shook his head in utter disbelief.
"That explains how she knows Devil Ape.."
"Does she know that we were ghouls?" Touka asked, Renji shook his head.
"Did you tell her?"
"Do I look that foolish to go and tell a human that we're all ghouls? She told me everything last night and she said she was going to leave and go back to the 1st ward. She was too in involved already so she can't leave."
"What are we gonna do now?"
"We have to get them back, both of them.."


     You woke up in what looked like a surgical room, you were strapped down on a bed and your upper half was exposed, the only thing that covered some of it was bandage.
You sat up and there was a striking pain to your side, you held it and a little blood came out, it was the same spot where you got hit when you were fighting with the Owl.
  There was talking in another room, it was barely audible but you heard them just right.
"Did you replace one of her organs? Is she alive?"
"No, we haven't as yet, but there's a zygote in her womb and there might be a chance if we do the implant, her insides might mistake the zygote for nutrients and consume it."
"She can die if we don't do that implant but is there anything else?"
"She has very few RC cells while this, zygote has ten times the amount that a regular human has."
"That thing, she's carrying in her belly, you're saying it is a ghoul?"
"There is a possibility,"
"If it's a ghoul, how can she feed it?"
"Well, we he can replace replace her stomach with that of a ghoul's so, the baby can survive."
"Go on with the implant. I want that baby, I'll go and see if she's awake!"


    Moments later, as promised, the person came in to see if you were awake. The person was completely  bandaged and wore a burgundy overall,
"Why hello there, (Name)."
"Who are you? Where am I? How do you know my name?"
"Calm down, my name is Eto, you're in the eleventh ward and I'm the one that gave you that scar on your side five years ago."
"What do you want with me?"
"You're carrying a baby, who's the father?"
"That's none of your business!"
"Well, that baby you're carrying is what I want, he'll play an important part in the Aogiri Tree."
"My baby won't take part in this!" You sat up, Eto held you down while the doctor came and injected you in your forearm with tranquilizer.
"Shh.. Relax just, relax.."


     You jumped up to see the doctor dead on the floor, you looked up and there was Renji.
"Renji?" You sat up,
"Are you alright?" Renji hugged you, "Yes, just take me home. Take me home, please." You cried in his arms.
He burst off the belts that strapped you down to the hospital bed then took off his cloak to cover you.
He picked you up and ran away with you.

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