{2}Mr. Yomo

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☕Chapter 2☕
Mr. Yomo

After that what seemed to be a fateful encounter,
you went to buy a new pair of shoes for your new work and bought a few other things.
"Thank you for shopping, please, come again!" The sales lady thanked as you left the store.
Since you hadn't moved to the 20th ward as yet, you still lived at the 1st ward.
It was now six o' clock in the afternoon and you have to catch a subway train in the city to get back home.


You woke up the other day and prepared for your first day of work,
you gave the uniform a try and it looked quite well on you,
though it was a little short, it was fine. It just need a stocking to cover up the extra skin.
You wrapped up your hair into a bun and left a few strands hair in front of your face. 
You arrived a subway ride later into the 20th ward, you checked the house once again that day and not a soul was there, only a hot mug of coffee.
You went to Anteiku shortly after, "Good morning, sorry I'm late."
"Good morning, and no, you're right on time. The uniform looks great on you."
"Thanks, where should I begin?"
"You'll start by wiping the tables and sweeping out, I'll carry out the sign." Touka said as she handed you a cloth.
You wiped out each table then you wiped the counter, then you swept the floors. "Done already?"
"I'm superhuman when it comes to household chores, trust me.. Anything else?"
"No, we just have to wait till customers come."
The bell above the door rang, signalling the arrival of a customer. Once again, it was the perfect stranger from the funeral.
"Good morning, Touka." He greeted dryly as he entered into the cafe.
"Oh hey, Yomo have you met the new addition to our staff?" Yomo was the man's name, you remembered your uncle telling you about a man with that name.
"Once or twice, but I didn't get her name."
"Her name's (last name)." Yomo found than name very familiar, but just can't remember from where.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Yomo-" You leant the broom against the counter and extended your hand for him to shake.
"Nice to meet you as well." He avoided your hand and went straight upstairs.
"Don't feel any kind of way, he's always like that. He'll open up to you once he properly knows you."
"Is he anything to you?"
"Yeah, he's my father's brother, my uncle."
"Oh, I can see by the serious faces you both share."
"Don't be silly."
"It's true!"


"Thanks for staying back with us, (last name)."
"No problem, I have nowhere to be..."
"See ya, (Last name)!"
"Until tomorrow."
You wished farewell and parted ways from them and headed to town to go home.
You didn't want to stay back after the the few ghoul attacks heard here or there, but it would be rude if you didn't. It was almost eleven in the night, taking the longer route would make you reach home twelve o' clock, or even later, especially the clusters of people in town. 
  You took a shorter route it wasn't the best part of town but it was your only option to arrive home as soon as possible. The road was dimly lit, some of the streetlights flickering continuously, you held on to your purse and quickened your pace. Someone was watching you, you could feel it from behind your back. You were stopped in your trace by a silhouette blocking your path. The figure  crouched down and his kagune sprouted out if his back like a seedling. "It's an Ukaku type, I'm done for.." You dropped your purse in shock.
The ghoul crystalized its Ukaku and shot them at you like bullets from a gun. In the petrified state that you are in, you couldn't move, let alone run.
  Before the glass-like shards could touch you, you were swept off the ground, into the arms of, no other than, Mr. Yomo.
"M- Mr. Yomo?"
"Shut up and be quiet." He silenced you as he jumped
from rooftop to rooftop. The ghoul followed right after and shot crystalized bullets at you and Yomo, "Where were you going?"
"To catch the subway train, to go home."
"Hold on," You tightened your grip around Yomo's neck as he jumped off the ten storey building, onto the ground and ran down into the subway station. He smelled like coffee.
He placed you down and said, "Go catch the train and go home while I hold him off."
"What about you-" 
"Just go!" You ran towards train stop and awaited a subway train. You glanced over your shoulder, Yomo gave the ghoul a punch that was so hard, his fist went straight through his stomach. You turned back around and prayed, "Dear God, please send me a train!!" 
Finally God had sent a train and it stopped before you.
You thanked him and stepped into the train, you looked over your shoulder once again, to see Yomo gone.

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