Chapter 35, Part 2: "Did you do anything with him?"

Start from the beginning

"Look at me, Rachel," Ricky said as he walked towards me. "Did you do anything with him?"

"Okay, sorry," I muttered.

I jumped when he walked towards me, so I hit "accept" on Gerald's call instead of "decline," and slid my phone back in my pocket.

"Ricky," I began as I bit down on my lip. "I don't know why you're asking. We're not even together, so you don't have any right to be mad."

"That doesn't answer my fucking question, Rachel, god damn it," he said as he moved closer to me, causing me to take a step back. "Did you?"

"Okay," I said as I moved backward. "Yes, I did, Ricky. I slept with Gerald, alright? Is that what you wanted to hear?"

He laughed, shaking his head as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You're a filthy fucking whore," he said as he looked me in the eyes. "You know that? You spread your legs to the first guy who gives you attention because that's all you crave."

"That's not tru-" I started to say as I felt my voice crack. "You don't know me."

"I know you enough to know that you were broken when I found you," he said as he inched closer. "I know you keep yourself busy so that you can hide how lonely you are. You distract yourself with anything you can to keep Gerald off your mind. You say you can't be with him, but let's face it, Rachel, you're still holding onto the Gerald you fell in love with when you first started dating in hopes that he'll come back. He won't. He doesn't want you."

"STOP IT!" I yelled as I pushed him away from me. "You don't know anything about me or my previous relationship. It's none of your business why it fucking ended!"

Ricky moved back from me, still keeping his eyes on me as I started to cry.

"You'll say anything to get close to someone," he laughed, shaking his head. "The second I paid attention to you, you spread your legs for me just so you could try to push Gerald out of your head. Face it, Rachel, he doesn't want you. I don't even want you. You're despicable."

"Get out, Ricky," I said as I wiped my eyes, going over to the door and opening it up. "Get out, and don't talk to me ever again.

He stood there for a second before walking over to the door.

"I'm not sure why anyone would love you," he said as he spat in my face, walking out.

I swatted him away, slamming the door and going to the bathroom to wash my face off. I looked at myself in the mirror, wiping my eyes as I started to cry again. Was what Ricky said true?

Unaware that my phone was still on a call in my pocket, I set it on my bed and changed out of my clothes, getting in something comfier as I crawled back into my bed and started to sob under the covers.

I eventually cried myself to sleep and drifted off for a few hours. Another knock on the door woke me up out of my nap.

"Who could this possibly be?" I muttered as I flipped the lamp on by my bed and walked over to the door, answering it. "Gerald?!"

I bit down on my lip and stood to the side, letting him in and closing the door behind him. He had a bag of food from Taco Bell and a small bouquet of sunflowers.

"I heard the whole fight on the phone," he said softly as he set the food and the flowers down on the table. "I could use a little cheering up."

My eyes filled up with tears again as I walked towards him, flinging my arms around his torso as I started to cry into his chest.

"Hey, hey," he said softly as he held me tight, rubbing my back as he picked me up, laying me down on my bed and laying down next to me. "Shh, it's okay...none of what Ricky said is true, alright? You're not a whore, you're the best person I know."

He pulled me onto his chest, and I buried my head in his neck as I slowly started to stop crying.

"H-he spit in my face on his way out," I sniffled, wiping my eyes. I felt Gerald tense up.

"What a fucking piece of shit," he muttered as he kept his arms around me, rubbing my back softly. "I'm sorry, Rachel. I shouldn't have left..."

"It's not your fault," I said as I looked up at him, putting a hand on his cheek. "You didn't do anything wrong. He's just mean."

His thumb stroked my chin as he looked down at me, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, and then another one to my cheek, making me giggle slightly.

"There's that laugh," he said with a smile as he ran his fingers through my hair, twirling it between them. "Don't worry about him, Rach, okay? If he's gonna act like that, especially when you're not even dating...he's not worth it."

"Thanks, Gerald," I said softly as I looked up at the sunflowers. "Why sunflowers?"

He followed my gaze, his fingers tracing shapes on my back.

"Because you're the sun in my life," he said with a small smile. "Even if we aren't together, you're still the most important person to me."

I blushed and buried my head in his neck again, squealing when he squeezed my side.

"Come on, you should eat before it gets too cold," he sat as he sat up, pulling me up next to him. "I got your favorite."

"How? I bet you don't even remember," I teased, leaning back against the wall as he handed me the bag.

"Bet," he smirked. "Open it."

I took it from him, opening up the bag and looking inside. He sure did remember; a chicken quesadilla, nacho fries and a side of cinnamon twists.

"You sure know the way to my heart," I laughed as I started to eat. 

*** COMPLETED *** Think About You [A G-Eazy Story, Sequel to If I'm Lucky]Where stories live. Discover now