Chapter 34, Part 2: "Thank you, Grady. This is the best present ever."

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A/N: As much as we hate to admit, this book will be coming to a close pretty soon! But don't worry, there's plenty more to cover before we end. ;)

*** Grady's POV ***

Kaitlyn was snuggled up next to me sleeping peacefully, and the bed was so warm that I didn't want to get up, I had to force myself to do so.

I came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and grabbed a joint out of my bag, going out onto the deck of our hotel room and closing the door. I put it in between my lips and lit it, taking a hit off of it and breathing out as I closed my eyes.

The sun was rising and there was a lot of traffic, and surprisingly a lot of people walking to school and work.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Gerald. Usually, he called me, but I guess he didn't want Kaitlyn screaming at him.

Gerald: I'm going to see Rachel in a few hours, and I'm nervous. I don't know why.

Me: Relax, man. It'll all be good. You guys seem to be doing fine, just don't try anything sexual.

Gerald: You know I won't unless she wants to. Have a good day, man.

Me: You too, good luck.

I put my phone back in my pocket as the door slid open and Kaitlyn made her way out, sitting in the chair.

"Good morning, beautiful," I said as I leaned down, kissing her cheek. "How'd you sleep?" I asked as she took the blunt out of my fingers, taking a hit and giving it back to me.

"I slept alright until I woke up and saw you were gone," she laughed as she yawned, running a hand through her hair. "What's on the agenda for today?"

I looked over at her as I took one last hit before putting it out, smiling when I saw she was still wearing my house key around her neck.

"It's another surprise," I laughed when I heard her groan, "But I know you're going to like this one. We have to dress up kinda decent, though."

She frowned, watching me put out my joint.

"You mean I have to put makeup on AND straighten my hair?!" She pouted. "That's a looot of effort."

I laughed, shaking my head as I watched her play with the ends of her hair.

"You don't need to put on makeup, you're beautiful with or without it," I grinned again. "But you do need to dress up."

We sat on the deck for a few more minutes before going back inside and ordering breakfast up to the room. After we ate, we went back to sleep for another few hours before getting up to get ready.

"I brought this dress," Kaitlyn said as she came out of the bathroom, "But I don't know if it's fancy enough."

The dress was a beautiful maroon color that was long sleeved, had lace on the chest and stopped about mid-thigh.

"Whoa," I said as I watched her from the bed. "Kait, you look absolutely beautiful."

"Oh, stop that," she laughed as she went to go put on some flats. "You look nice in your best pair of skinny jeans and your blue dress shirt. Blue suits you," she winked.


"We're seeing ALADDIN?!" She squealed with excitement as I handed the employee our tickets to be scanned. "And you got us front row seats?!"

"Yes, and yes," I said with a smile as we walked inside. I looped my arm around her waist as we walked to our seats. "You only mentioned a few hundred times how you wanted to see it."

*** COMPLETED *** Think About You [A G-Eazy Story, Sequel to If I'm Lucky]Where stories live. Discover now