Chapter 26: "This is going to be a long semester."

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I woke up not wanting to get out of bed after the screaming match that Gerald and I had last night, but it was a new day, and Kaitlyn and I's last first day of school ever.

"Wake up," I said as I got up, looking at the clock. It was 7:30 and our first class was at 9. "We've gotta leave in an hour so we can make it on time."

Kaitlyn groaned, rolling over and burying her head into her pillow, tugging the covers over her head.

"It's not too late to drop this stupid class," she muttered as she rubbed her eyes. "I'm not getting up."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed a change of clothes so I could go take a shower, turning on the bathroom light.

"If you're not up by the time I get out, then I'm leaving without you," I said as I walked into the bathroom. "I'm hungry, and I wanna get breakfast before class."

"I'll get up, Rachel, Jesus," she muttered. "Let me lay here and contemplate dropping out for a few more minutes."


We finally left the dorm around 8:15 with just enough time to grab something quick at the cafeteria before making our way across campus for our class.

"If we're in this class with any stupid people, I'm dropping it," Kaitlyn said as she sipped on her coffee. "I don't give a shit anymore. I don't have to see these idiots after December."

"Oh, come on, it's not gonna be that bad," I laughed as I opened up the door. "You have your educational thesis class after this one."

"Yeah, but there's nobody I know in there," she muttered, following me. "Just a few graduate students and some kid named Ricky."

We walked into the classroom at about 8:40, and Kaitlyn was less than thrilled. The room was set up with tables that had four chairs each.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Kaitlyn muttered as she sat down at a seat. I followed her and set my bag down on the floor, pulling out my phone. "What kinda class is this?"

I looked down at my phone to see a text from the last person I expected to hear from, Gerald.

Gerald: Good morning, Rachel. I'm sorry about the fight we had last night. I had it saved in my phone calendar as your first day of school today. Have a great day. I'm so proud of you. Call me later, if you want to...I want to talk to you.

I was about to respond when two people approached our table asking to sit with us. Kaitlyn's head shot up from her phone.

"Can we sit here?" Tally asked with Tyler standing next to her. "We don't know anyone else on the roster."

Tyler looked at me and then looked away, biting his lip. It's been a few months since he tried to rape me. He lost his job at the TV station and was kicked off the soccer team.

"Ugh, I guess," Kaitlyn groaned. "But if you try to do any stupid shit like you did last semester, I will fucking kill you," she said as she looked at Tyler. "That goes for you, too, rapist." she spat, earning a smack on the arm from me.

"I deserved that," Tyler said quietly, avoiding eye contact with all three of us. "Nothing I say can make up for what I put you through, Rachel, and I get that. I don't expect anything more than just to be classmates."

I nodded, biting down on my lip as I played with my fingers.

"Thanks, Tyler," I said softly. "Thanks for at least apologizing."

I was getting ready to say something else when our professor walked in, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.

"Good morning, my seniors!" She chirped, causing a groan from Kaitlyn. "My name is Professor Durbin, but you all can call me Casey."

*** COMPLETED *** Think About You [A G-Eazy Story, Sequel to If I'm Lucky]Where stories live. Discover now