Chapter 25: This isn't the Gerald I fell in love with two years ago."

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"You want me to start talking?!" I snapped. "How about you tell me why you didn't fucking tell me that P-Lo assaulted me?!"

"I didn't find out about that until a few hours ago!" He yelled. "I was just as fucked up as you were that night. That's already been taken care of. P-Lo is off this tour."

I sniffled, playing with the sheets in my fingers as I tried to carefully choose my next words.

"Tell me how you found out," I said sternly. "Tell me why you were prodding around in my business, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I at least deserve that."

"Rachel..." He began.

"Fucking tell me, Gerald, or I'm hanging up this phone and blocking your number. Your choice," I said as I felt my cheeks get hot again.

He sighed. I could hear shuffling in the background as well as a door slam. The show must've just gotten over, or they haven't left the venue yet.

"Grady and James got back to the venue super late and I asked where they were," he started off calmly. "Grady said he and James went to say goodbye to you two at the airport, and I asked why he went. He said he was trying to be there for you after what I did to you," he paused, biting his lip as his breath hitched in his throat. "Then James said you asked him to stay with you while you waited for Kaitlyn to get back, and I started getting I pinned him, and Grady got scared and pulled me off of him. He told me what you two did, and then he told me that he'd been keeping the secret about what P-Lo did to you..."

I stayed silent for a few seconds as I looked at Kaitlyn who was sitting on her bed across the room, furiously texting who I assumed was Grady.

"You pinned him to the wall just like you did to me," I muttered. "You hurt people when you're drunk and angry, Gerald. I'm not sure that I'm really the one who's at fault here."

"Rachel, I wouldn't have pinned, choked or ever tried to hit you if I was sober," he tried to fend for himself. "My moms raised me better than that."

"Did she?!" I retaliated. "Because if she did, you wouldn't have done it no matter how fucking inebriated you were. You were literally getting ready to punch me in the face," I got out before I started to cry.

I could tell he took the phone away from his ear for a couple seconds, and I could hear his breath hitch in his throat again. He was starting to cry.

"Is that why you went to my brother?" He asked, sniffling. "Because I scared you?"

"I went to your brother because he was there for me," I said softly. "He treated me like a normal person and actually listened to my feelings."

"I treat you like a normal per-" He started to say before I cut him off again.

I could feel my blood boiling.

"Don't even feed me that fucking bullshit," I spat. "A normal person wouldn't use someone for sex, a normal person wouldn't fight with their girlfriend all the time. A normal fucking person wouldn't tell their girlfriend that they don't make the rules in the relationship, and a normal person wouldn't do what you did to me a few days ago."

"Rachel, I'm sor-" He said as he got cut off by me again.

"Sorry isn't going to fucking fix this, Gerald!" I yelled, watching as Kaitlyn had started to tear up as well. "You need help! You're a toxic fucking person who uses alcohol to fix their problems! This isn't the Gerald I fell in love with two years ago, this isn't the Gerald I wanted to marry."

He was full on crying now, and so was I. I had to get out my feelings.

"I'll get help, Rachel," He sniffled, pulling the phone away from his ear for a second. "I'll get help. I'll get better...I'm sorry, please...let me show you that I can change."

"I don't want to fucking talk to you," I said as my breath hitched as I tried to calm down. "I want you to feel the pain that I've felt for these last few weeks. I want you to feel as low as I did."

"Rach--" He started to say before I cut him off again.

"Don't," I said as I shook my head, biting down on my lip. "You say you'll change. I can't believe it, though. You told me you were going to change so many times, and we ended up falling back into our toxic relationship that I couldn't do anymore," I breathed through my nose as I closed my eyes. "You're not going to change. You're going to forget about me and trick some other girl into falling in love with you so that you can do this dance all over again."

"I love you, and only you, Rachel," he said as he sniffled quietly. "I'm going to do whatever the fuck it takes to show you that. I can't stop you from getting with my brother if that's truly what you want to do, but I can show you that I'll always love you."

"Prove it," I said quietly, hanging up the phone before giving him the chance to get out any last words.

Kaitlyn and I sat in silence for a few minutes before she got up off of her bed, coming over to me and wrapping her arms around me tightly. We both hugged each other and cried for a few minutes before she pulled away.

"Grady told me that he never meant to talk about your business," she sniffled as she wiped her eyes, sitting down next to me. "He got scared that Gerald was going to hurt James, and he just freaked out."

I shrugged, looking down at my phone as I watched a few texts come in from Gerald. I ignored them.

"I don't blame him," I said softly, closing my eyes. "It was the closure I needed. So I guess I can thank him for giving me that."

We laid down on my bed after Kaitlyn shut off the light. She got under the covers and looked at me, biting down on her lip.

"Do you think Gerald is going to change like he said he is? Or get help?" She whispered softly.

I pulled the covers to my chin, looking down at her as I chewed the inside of my cheek.

"I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks," I muttered quietly. "I don't have high hopes for anything changing."

We sat there in silence for a bit before falling asleep. My phone buzzed with a notification, it was a text from Gerald.

Gerald: I'll do what it takes to make you mine again. Even if it takes years.   

*** COMPLETED *** Think About You [A G-Eazy Story, Sequel to If I'm Lucky]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ