Chapter 21: Remembering

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I'm back! Seriously going to have to get writing now though, I'm running out of chapters - hope you enjoy. My absolute favourite chapter is coming up soon so stay tuned! xx


Instead of dwelling on Emmett's words, I lost myself in how Nessie's hand felt on my thigh, where she had left it. Like the disgusting little weirdo that I was, I was beginning to be excited by it. Edward glared at me almost imperceptibly, but I caught it.

Instead of letting it get any worse, I picked up Nessie's hand and laced her fingers with my own, moving our joined hands over so they rested on her thigh rather than mine. She gave me a questioning look, but I just smiled. In truth, this wasn't so much better – I could feel the warmth of her skin through her jeans and it was so, so tempting. It was one of the things I loved about Ness, the fact that she was almost as warm as me - much warmer than a human. Her skin felt natural, like it was supposed to match mine. But I refused to so much as think about it right now.

I stayed mostly silent throughout the rest of lunch. Alice and Nessie had Chemistry together and I had Biology. It was one of the only lessons I didn't have with Ness and I knew I was not going to enjoy it.

After dropping the girls off I headed into the classroom the next door along with the rest of my class. Caleb sidled up behind me, grinning in a way I didn't entirely like. I took a seat at a random desk, and to my dismay he took the empty seat next to me.

"Jacob!" he said jovially, as if we were best friends. "How's day one going?"

I shrugged. "It's okay, I guess."

"Out of interest," he began in a low voice. "That Vanessa girl. I know you guys are 'ahem'...friendly, but is that like, a thing? Are you official, or is it more of a friends with benefits kind of deal? Because, dude, if it is, I won't say –"

"We're together," I interjected firmly. "And I love her."

He looked uncomfortable, and I wished I hadn't added that last part.

Finally, he said: "That's, uh, that's cool man. I was just, you know, wondering, if she was single –"

"Well, she's not," I snapped, fed up of listening to him backtrack. How could he believe that I would treat Nessie like that – just use her for my own gratification whenever I wanted. Of course we were together. Who wouldn't want to be with her?

"Yeah, dude, good for you. It's just I'm not really a relationships kind of guy myself, and I didn't know how it was for you –"

"Mr Evans! If you want to move seats and sit apart from Mr Collins that's fine by me, as long as you aren't making even more noise than you were sitting next to him."

Caleb nodded his blond head at the severe looking teacher, Miss Bryant, and stared at the question sheet we had been handed a few minutes ago but neither of us had so much as glanced at.

He looked defeated. "You understand any of this?"

It turned out that I did. Some of it I remembered from school, some of it Carlisle had taught me over the years. It was simple really, just genetic diagrams, and sorting which alleles produced which gene. Grudgingly, I explained the process to Caleb, and noticed Miss Bryant giving me an approving look.

I worked industriously that lesson, willing it to be over so I could go and kiss Nessie, not because she was just a fling to me, but because I loved her and we had a wonderful relationship and not even Caleb could change that.

When the bell finally rang I practically jumped out of my seat.

"We're not friends with Caleb anymore," I smirked as Nessie and Alice left their classroom.

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