Chapter 17: Underwater

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I took a LONG haitus from this story, mainly because I've been working on other things, but I plan to start up writing it again now and I already have plenty lined up. I've also edited everything so the story flows smoother and everything fits, but do let me know if there are any improvements or corrections to be made. I hope you like it - at times it can be a little inappropriate for younger readers, but I think it's necessary to include certain things - it shows how Jake and Nessie's relationship is delicately balanced, and that they are struggling with boundaries and progressing slowly.

AmelieDaydreamer xxx



I hugged Nessie to my chest, breathing in her perfect scent.

I knew she didn't understand, but that was okay so long as we weren't arguing anymore. I hated that I had let myself get so carried away earlier. Nessie might be the most understanding person in the world, but my reaction to her kiss was embarrassing nonetheless. But the desire had been so...fierce. I was ashamed of myself for wanting her so badly. We had been "dating" a week. A week. I shouldn't be so...well, I don't know.

And then Nessie was so cool about it. She'd actually said it was hot! I couldn't quite believe that.

My mind flickered back to Edward and everyone back at the house. Unless he had filled them in, they still wouldn't have a clue what just happened. I didn't have a clue what just happened.

We stood for an immeasurable amount of time, wrapped around one another, like we were holding each other together. If it weren't for Renesmee, I would have fallen apart long ago.

I kissed her softly, gently, trying to convey everything she meant to me through my kiss. I would protect her, always.

We stayed there for what couldn't have been more than half an hour, but felt like much longer.

The wind changed suddenly, and I caught a foreign, sickly sweet scent.

I stiffened, and a low growl slipped through my clenched teeth. I pulled my lips reluctantly away from Renesmee's, and held her tightly against me as my eyes scanned the area. I could see nothing, and the strange scent was gone, but I was sure I had smelled something.

Apparently, so had Nessie. She had assumed a protective stance in front of me, teeth bared. I almost laughed. Did she really think I was just going to sit back and watch her fight off an attacker?

Slowly she stood up straight, and I took her hand. She kissed me quickly, saying nothing.

I took her face gently, and she leaned into my hand. "You caught the scent?" she verified.

I nodded. "We should go back. The others need to hear about this."

I angled my face towards her, unable to leave without another of her heart-stopping kisses. Chances were, if Edward found out about what happened earlier, I wouldn't get another one of those kisses for a while. I kissed her quickly, but hungrily, nibbling at her lower lip and begging for entrance, which she granted after a moment of teasing. I worked to keep my body under control so I didn't have a repeat of earlier. Her hands tangled in my hair and I gasped when she bucked her hips against me.

"Sorry," she muttered, her cheeks glowing red.

I shook my head, groaning as I kissed her harder. "Don't be good..."

I felt my blood rush to one area, and I tried to stop myself from pressing against her, but I knew she felt it because her eyes widened, and she gave this sexy little moan. My hands grabbed at the back of her t-shirt, and I felt the material rip. I gasped at the feel of her warm, soft skin under my hands, but I relinquished my grip on the shirt before I could do any more damage.

Morning Light: A Renesmee and Jacob storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt