He has saved my life.

At the time he had thought me guilty like the others, and yet he had still saved me.

It was a sobering thought.

"Thank you." I breathed, unsure if I was thanking him for saving my life or for being a good enough male to help me despite his thoughts and feelings.

A small smile softened his expression, the blush on his cheeks darkening as he held my gaze.

"You have no need to thank me, not when it was our fault you were in that situation in the first place. If we had just spoken to you first before imprisoning you than maybe you would have been cured of sickness before it got that bad." He swore, shame darkening his beautiful green eyes as he looked away from me.

Lifting my free hand from where it was placed in my lap, I gently covered his making him look back up at me.

Forgiveness filled my heart for this male, and I squeezed his hands in response.

"I have plenty to thank you for. You took the time to listen to me, and you gave me the gift of the outside world for the first time since I was a youngling. You made a mistake, yes – but if I had been in your shoes I don't know if I would have reacted any differently.

"You saw me beneath all the lies Kota, and you saved my life even if you thought me a criminal. The part I played..." I paused, swallowing against the truth that I feared admitting. "I am not completely innocent in what happened in that basement, and even though I never laid a hand on those males with intention to harm, I still hurt them.

"Maybe I could have saved them if I hadn't been so scared of the consequences – but I..." Shaking my head, I pulled away and kept my eyes averted less I saw the anger or disgust that twisted their features.

I didn't think my heart could take it.

"No, Sang." Kota pleaded, stopping my retreat as he clung to my hand and I bit my lip, refusing to look up. "You are not to blame for what happened. You were as much a prisoner as the others, and you did the best you could in the situation you were in. I am sorry we added to your guilt and belief in what you think of yourself – but you are not guiltyfor what your family did." He stated, his conviction without question and I darted a look up to find him watching me, a fierce glint brightening his eyes.

My chest warmed at the emotion flickering back at me, and I nodded once unable to argue with the male, even if I didn't fully believe him.

I licked my dry lips as he pulled away, and I slumped back in my seat – exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders.

"Enough of that now. Sang needs to eat if she wants to have time to visit Brandon before lights go out." I perked up at the mention of my best friend, and I picked up the spoon that Victor dropped beside the bowl. Spooning the liquid, I paused and looked up to find the others watching me – the mysterious stranger who had been in the kitchen initially – standing in the background.

I froze as I caught the gaze of a male with dual-coloured eyes, something I had never read about or seen before.

His left eye reminded me of a painting of the rainforest I had seen as a child, with various shades of green with sharp edges and watery vines.

His right eye however held a darker edge, of thunderstorms pummelling against it stormy cage, craving its release on the world.

He stood tall and proud, but his stance was almost defensive with muscular arms folded against his chest, and legs pressed against the wall at his back.

His longish hair sat windswept against the side of his angular face, enhancing his strong features and chiselled chin. His clothing was simple in earthy tones of long brown cotton pants, and a short sleeved green tunic which showed of his golden skin.

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