It was as if I had imagined the emotion shining down at me, and I questioned briefly if I had seen only what I had wanted to. Shaking my head, I stepped away from the males – suddenly conscious of the thin gown that covered my otherwise naked body from view.

Stumbling over to the cot, I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it back around me – feeling slightly more secure within its warmth.

"Sang." Sean whispered, and I glanced over at the male who looked at me wide-eyed – his facial expression flickering between disbelief and shock. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I watched him, seemingly at war with himself. Shaking his head, his blonde curls bouncing - Sean seemed to come to a decision as he moved towards me – and I tensed.

Noticing my reaction, he paused and waited until my shoulders relaxed before slowly continuing to shuffle in my direction, his hands held slightly outstretched – palms up in the universal sign of peace.

"Sang." He repeated and he stopped a few feet away. "Owen... he wasn't going to hurt me." He swore, his eyes imploring me to believe him. Flicking my eyes to said-male behind him – I eyed Owen – unsure if I believed Sean – knowing and understanding the fear that came from a male such as he. Sean could have simply been protecting him – to protect himself from punishment if he dared speak otherwise.

Yet, a part of me wanted to believe him. To believe this strange male was kind – and would not maim or injure because he felt insulted.

Owen stood still; his expression shuttered as he watched us from near the door. I tore my gaze away, confused as to why Owen did not try to convince me himself.

Maybe the notion was above him. Maybe I was so inconsequential to this male that he didn't bother- didn't care what I thought of him.

The thought was a sobering one, and I straightened my shoulders – refusing to be the weak female the step-monster had tried to create.

I had promised myself to be strong – and here I was cowering beneath another. Disappointed in myself, I nodded at Sean – to convey that I believed him, not that I did.

But Sean obviously saw past the surface of my agreement, as he stepped forward, and gently laid a hand on top of mine, that was clenched around the edge of the blanket. I jumped at the touch of his warm hand on mind – and I wondered if I would ever be comfortable around a soft touch, or if I would always be expecting the pain that had always in the past – followed.

"Owen would never hurt me, and he would definitely never lay a hand on a female. He is an honourable male Sang." Lifting my head, I searched his green eyes for any sign of deceit – but only found honestly shining back at me.

Sean had only been kind and honest so far, so I decided I would do my best to trust him – even though disbelief still lingered. But only time would tell if this male was truly honourable.

"One more thing before we start." Sean said, and I frowned – curious as to what he meant by 'start'. "Please, never ever place yourself in danger. It's my place to protect you Sang, not the other way around." My eyes widened at his words, and I stepped back – a multitude of emotions rising to the surface in response to his gentle proclamation.

Only one other person had ever claimed it was their duty to protect me.

No one else had ever cared enough.

Yet, this Healer – who was practically a stranger – wanted to protect me.

It was inconceivable.

"I... I don't understand." I whispered.

Sean smiled at me, his expression softening as he reached towards me to pull me into a hug – his movements exaggerated as to give me time to pull away. Instead I let him pull me forward, wrapping his arms around my tense body.

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