Lights, Camera.... Action

Start from the beginning

"Hey Chris... that was awesome..." Cameron smiles at him as we walk up to him.
"Thanks," Chris smiles back as they shake hands.
"Ok... so head to this location where we'll shoot the last scene, I'll meet you there and I'll let you know the details once we set up, "Cameron says as he hands Chris a paper with the details of the location.
"Cool," Chris says as he folds up the piece of paper.
"Alright... see ya in a bit," Cameron smiles and walks off to pack things up as we head out to the truck.

Scene 2 - Coryell Court Apartments

Chris had a bit of time before he was to film his solo scene for the movie, so he wanted to head back home to quickly shower and change into one of his black 90 T-Shirts with his black military pants. I was fine still with what I was wearing so once he was ready, we headed back out to meet everyone at the apartment building where the scene was getting filmed. Once we arrived at the set, I was able to stay off to the side and see exactly how the scene was being shot.

Cameron was so nice as he showed me little tips on how the scene was getting filmed and I was also able to meet Matt Dillon and Bridgette Fonda, since Chris was doing the scene with them.

It was such a short little scene and Chris didn't have to do any acting at all really. Cameron wanted him to be himself through the whole thing. Even though Chris was so shy about it, he was so adorable the whole time.


".... I installed your new stereo," Cliff (Matt Dillon) says to Janet (Bridgette Fonda) as they walk down the steps outside the apartment building.
"Oh...great," Janet says as she watches Cliff head down to her car. He chuckles to himself as he flips open the trunk of her little hatchback and runs back up smiling to stand beside her. He uses the remote to start the stereo and turns up the volume a bit while the grinding sound of whatever was playing punches through the speakers.

"Yea," Cliff says slyly as Chris then walks out the door of the apartment and heads down the stairs to stand by Cliff. Chris is so freaking adorable as he bounces down the steps, his beautiful curls flowing in the wind. As Cliff turns up the music more, Chris starts to move and glances at Cliff while he tries to impress Janet.

"Yea,"Cliff says with his eyes closed grooving to the music all the while Janet looks at him with the biggest doe eyes, smiling away. Cliff then turns up the music as loud as it will go and suddenly the windows blow out in the backseat of her little hatchback and the windshield eventually goes to.

As I watched the scene unfold in person, I was able to be far back enough that they wouldn't hear me giggle. I couldn't help but watch Chris with his adorable movements the whole time. God I love him.

"... I'll replace the windows," Cliff says to Janet, his ego a little shaken though he tries to play it off like he meant for it to happen.
"... Thanks," Janet says quietly to Cliff and then Chris leans into Cliff, mumbles something that no one could actually hear or understand, then takes off up the stairs and back into the apartment. Chris is so damn shy... and so adorable I want to run up there after him, but that would be weird and I would ruin the whole thing.

After a few more takes, Cameron was finally able to get Chris to say his line a little louder but he still was so timid.


"Alright! and cut! that was awesome guys! good job!" Cameron calls from behind the camera. Just then Chris come walking back out of the apartment and heads down the steps to where Cameron was shooting.

"Chris that was awesome... thanks so much for doing this for me," Cameron smiles as they shake hands once again.

"No problem... I just hope I wasn't awful or anything," Chris says.

"No, no not at all... it was exactly what I was going for," Cameron re-assures him.

"Cool," Chris smiles back at him.

"So there's a wrap up party being held at The Central later on tonight... you are more than welcome to join... even Kim, Matt and Ben are more than welcome also..." Cameron says.

"Cool... yea that would be awesome," Chris says and we quickly say our goodbyes to everyone and head back over to Chris's truck.

" Do you mind if we just head back home? I'm not sure if I want to go and be around a bunch of people tonight," Chris says as he helps me up into his truck.

"No I don't mind at all... you ok?" I ask as I smooth out my skirt as he leans against the open passenger door.

"Yea, I'm fine... just a little tired," I look at him as his beautiful blue eyes show just how tired he is and reach my hand up to softly touch his cheek. He leans into my hand as he closes his eyes then he slowly leans into me and places a kiss on my lips. He lingers for a few moments and slowly moves his lips with mine as I suck his bottom lip. he then breaks away from me and touches his forhead to mine.

"My god I just want to wrap up in bed with you right now" He softly says to me as I giggle a little.
"You're so adorable," I smile at him.
"I try..." He says so cutely as he quickly places a kiss on my forehead and then closes the door for me. He then hops into the driver side and I crank the stereo to some Type O Negative as we head home.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now