Yep, I'm Definately Getting Killed.

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Alanna's POV

I sighed as I stepped off the airplane with Phil right behind me. We had just arrived in New Jersey for the fittings. The wedding was in less than three weeks and we had so many things to do last minute.
It's been a little over a week since I woke up half naked next to Phil.
We didn't really know what happened, he said that what he remembered was buying me marijuana. It meant that both of us were not only drunk off our asses but we were high too. We just decided to ignore it because neither of us were actually sure what happened that night.

Yeah, it's basically haunting me because I don't know what happened and there's a great chance that I could've slept with Phil, while I'm one of AJ's bridesmaids. Like honestly, if there was an award for the worst bridesmaid in history, I would so get it. Nothing is awkward between us which annoys me so much because we need to feel different around each other especially after that night. We may be close friends but we aren't close enough to sleep in the same bed - half naked - and pretend like nothing happened.

"AJ said she's sending the car to get us." Phil said. I didn't want to make anything awkward between us, that was the only goal that I had this week.

"You mean she's sending John." I mumbled, seeing John across the lot. He was leaning against the car, on his phone. JJ stirred in my arms slightly as I tightened my grip on him.

"You've got to be kidding me." Phil said, running a hand through his hair. As we got closer to John, I couldn't help but feel like my breath was being taken away with every step I took. I hadn't seen John since that night but Phil kept reminding me about how much he wanted to rip John's head off for what he did.

JJ's eyes opened slowly just as we got to John. It's as if he knew that he was right next to his dad. John looked up at us and smiled, slightly. Phil was glaring at him and John didn't even look over at Phil.

"Lets get going? AJ told me that Phil had to be with her so they could plan some things." John said, looking directly at me. He wasn't even moving his eyes towards Phil. I think it was better that way, Phil looked like he was about to murder John.

I put JJ in the car seat that was in the backseat. Phil was about to open the passenger door but I stopped him. He looked up at me confused.

"Get in the back with JJ. I don't trust you sitting next to John especially when you look like your going to murder him." I told him. He didn't move his hand from the handle.

"No, I'm not letting you go in the front with him." He said, annoyed. He wasn't annoyed at me, he was annoyed at John. I gave him a stern look. It was better if I was in the front with John than Phil being in the front with John.

"Phil just get in the back and stop arguing." I told him, sternly. He rolled his eyes before letting go of the handle and going to the backseat. I opened the door an slid into the seat before closing the door.

The car ride was one of the most awkward car rides that I have ever been in. Not one word was spoken, there wasn't any music on, the only sound was coming from JJ as he was screaming at random things that he saw out the window. This wasn't even the worst part.

John was going to drop Phil off at AJ's house then he was going to drive me to the hotel. So I have to sit in the car with John alone for another ten minutes.

"Text me later." I told Phil as he grabbed his luggage from the trunk. He pulled me into a hug.
"Be careful. If he does something then just tell me and I'll kick his ass." He said. I nodded. I was beyond scared about being in a car alone with John but I couldn't just tell Phil to stay with me when he had important things to do. I pulled away and he walked off into AJ's house.

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