He Has Definitely Moved On

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Alanna's POV

I could hear all the screaming from my hiding place under the ring. You could hear everything from down here, even Cole and King. They we're both talking about Lauren and her accomplishments in the little time she started wrestling.

I didn't even know that Lauren started watching wrestling. I've missed so many Raws because of little JJ. He was so much work, that I don't even remember the last time I watched it.

"And her tag team partner.." I could hear Lillian trail off. I got as close to the opening as I could and waited for the lights to go out.

I was so nervous. What if they forgot about me? I hardly did anything special when I was here imagine now, eighteen months later.

I put on my Chicago Bulls snap back so that it was backwards and fixed my hair to make it look nice.

All of a sudden I heard screaming which automatically meant that the lights went out.

I crawled out from under the ring and found my way into the ring through the dark. I was dragged by Lillian and she led me to the middle of the ring. She was probably the only one - other than Vince - thst knew that I was making my big comeback tonight.

We had this all planned out for quite a while and we practiced non-stop. I felt her let go of me and the lights came on.

The crowd went crazy with cheering and yelling out. I had a small smirk on my face as they all cheered.

"Oh my god, Cole, look who it is. It's Alanna! Alanna's back!" King yelled from ringside. I looked over at Lauren. She was just as shocked as everyone else. 

She looked the same since the last time, I saw her expect her hair was now completely blonde. Its funny how we always think alike huh? 

I walked over to her with a small smile. She smiled back. We did our handshake which caused the whole crowd to cheer again.

I swear they cheer for every little thing you do.

"You're starting." I told her. She nodded while I walked onto the apron.


I watched as Lauren struggled to get to our corner. The whole match, Eva Marie and Brie Bella kept her in their corner. Lauren was good, I'm not going to lie but these other girls we're some vicious people.

Especially knowing that Brie Bella had her twin Nikki out there with her. Nikki kept trying to get involved in the match, just like right now.

"Hey watch her!" I yelled at the ref while pointing a finger at Nikki. The had Lauren stuffed up in the corner and kept tagging themselves in and out.

I watched Lauren give Eva a hard kick to the stomach before crawling over to me slowly. Eva was near our corner now and couldn't possible get to the chance to get to her corner as fast as Lauren could get to me.

Lauren reached her hand out to my and I tagged myself in. I jumped in after Eva while she was towards the corner.

The crowd was cheering loudly. I grabbed her by her ankle and pulled her back.

Eva grabbed a hold in my hair as I went to pick her up.

"Hey watch the hair!" The ref yelled. I kicked her in the back of her head which made her let go of me. I was about to go set her up for my finisher.

Then Nikki got on the apron. I tried to ignore her and set up for my moonsault. I had Eva down perfectly but Brie got in the ring while the ref was still trying to deal with Nikki.

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