Mickie's Back

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Alanna's POV

"Your mom and dad died today." Lauren mumbled. It was barely audible but I could hear it loud and clear.

"W-what?" I asked. She sighed.

"Brad just called me from England, he said that they died today." She said. I stared at her confused.

"How? Brad didn't say anything before." I said.

"Well Brad said that they got attacked by some gang members. They were in critical condition then they finally died today. That's why he hasn't been here all week, he went to England to get Jordan." She explained. Tears started to form in my eyes. I may not care what my parents say or do to help me but they are still my parents no matter what.

"That can't be true. Brad said he had to take care of some things with court." I cried. Lauren wrapped her arms around me.

"I know honey, but he didn't want to worry you." She said.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" I heard John ask. I let go of Lauren and hugged John tightly.

"My parents...." I trailed off. He pulled away a little so he could look at me.

"What about them?" He asked. All the tears that I've been holding in just fell down my face.

"They're dead." I mumbled softly. He pulled me back into his arms as I cried harder.

I don't even understand how this could have happened. Ever since I forgave Brad, he's been telling me that our parents have been trying to get a hold of me so they could apologize. I didn't listen and now my parents are dead, I ended on bad terms with them. I didn't even get to see them for the last time like Brad did.

"Brad just texted me saying that their funeral is the week that you guys are going to England which is at the end of next week." Lauren said.

"Tell him that I'll be there." I said but then I realized something," Aren't you and Mike still going to be on your vacation?"

She nodded," Yeah. Look A, I really want to be there got you during the funeral but I really need this break and I don't think it's my place to be."

"I completely understand. I have John here so it won't be so bad." I said, crossing my arms. Mike walked over to us.

"Hey you ready? I just finished taking care of everything so we're good." Mike said. Lauren nodded and walked over to me before giving me a hug.

"Be strong, A. You'll make it through this." She said. I nodded.

"Have a good trip." I said when she pulled away. She gave me a sympathetic smile before getting into the car. Mike started the car and they drove off.

"Are you okay now?" John asked. I nodded. He smiled and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"Where's Lilly and Ali?" I asked.

"Well Kelly and AJ both volunteered to watch them until tomorrow morning." He said.

"I know they are both trying to be nice but why?" I asked.

"Well according to Kelly, we need a day off and to ourselves. But to AJ it's to get you laid." He mumbled the last part. I blushed and looked away from him.

"Hmmm I like Kelly's thought better." I said, looking down. He chuckled.

"I agree. Kelly doesn't really think like that." He said. I laughed.

"Okay well that's nice." I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah." He mumbled," We should go to the beach tomorrow. You, me, and the girls. I have my day off."

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