Chapter 1: His Girl

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Life as the daughter of the most feared man in the apocalypse can be hard sometimes. You never know who actually cares about you and who is only playing nice, so they don't get their head bashed in.

"Hey, Simon, when is my dad supposed to be back?" I walk up to the older man in khakis as he orders the workers around. He instantly turns around at the sound of my voice, face red from the beaming hot sun.

"Sometime later today, do you need anything?" he asks with a straight face as if he doesn't want to be bothered with my problems.

"Um, No. I just really need to talk to him"

"About what? If you don't mind me asking"

Before I continue explaining, I think to myself whether I want to tell Simon about it. He is the second in command of the Saviors, I don't know how he would react to me wanting to join the ranks.

"About...maybe... starting to go on supply runs and stuff" I admit nervously as I twist my hair between my fingers probably making myself seem even ditzier than he already thinks I am.

"Knowing him, he'll probably say no. He doesn't even trust most of the Saviors around you"

"I know but-" interrupting my sentence a man runs up to Simon pushing his way in between us.

"Sir, Dr. Carson wanted me to let you know we're running low on medical supplies." The man looks at me for a brief second then focuses his attention back to Simon.

"Okay, I'll let Negan know," Simon says rubbing his hand over his face in frustration.
The man walks away after glancing at me for a second time with a look of confusion on his face before returning to his work.

"Anyways, Elena, I got a lot going on right now. Can we talk later?"

This is his way of nicely telling me to get lost.

"Sure. I'll be in my room if you need me" I smile at him and walk away, as the sound of him yelling at his men fades into the distance.
I walk back to my room, lonely and bored. The only people I ever talk to are Simon and Dwight, but they're both busy. Everyone else in the sanctuary is scared to talk to me, the most I get from them is a 'sorry', or an 'excuse me'.

Once I get to my room I lazily throw myself onto the bed. Pressing my cheek into the comforting texture of my velvet pillows. It's times like this when I wish I had an actual friend. There are only a few teenagers here but even they avoid me. I know my father can be intimidating but it gets tiring being judged because of it. I wish people would just take the time to get to know the real me, they would see that I'm nothing like him.

Later that day, I walk to the cafeteria to get lunch, skipping lines of people. The lady that keeps track of points hands me a sandwich and a water bottle.

"Thank you, " I say to her, and she nods

As I am about to walk out I hear Sherry shout from behind me.

"Elena, come sit with us!"

Sherry is one of my father's wives, he has 5 to be exact. Which should make them my stepmoms, but I don't see them that way. I only tolerate them because my dad gets pissed when I don't bite my tongue.

I don't understand how he can honestly expect me to be their 'loving little stepdaughter' when they're trying to take the place of my mom.

I roll my eyes and drag myself in her direction. The rest of the women smile at me, but I don't smile back. I quietly sit down at the table and begin eating my food.

"So, have you met anyone you're interested in?"

I put my food down and look up at her, "what do you mean?"

I don't know where she gets off asking me these questions but something tells me my dad might have something to do with it.

Before she can get another word out the woman next to her interrupts and tries to explain, "we're just wondering since you're getting older now and -" 

"No, how can I when no one will talk to me and I never get to leave this place." I scoff at her and continue eating my food.

Finding a boyfriend is the last thing on my mind when I hardly can even make a friend.

"Well, maybe we can help you with that!" Sherry jumps back in the conversation, her voice more joyful than before.

"I don't think my dad would like that very much. And I know that none of you would want to risk him getting angry so why even bother?" I stand up from the table and leave, throwing my garbage away as I exit the cafeteria.

I can't waste my time even entertaining the idea of a boyfriend, it will cause nothing but disappointment and heartbreak.

As I walk through the hallways I hear the familiar sound of my father's boots heading in my direction.

I quickly search for him, turning the next corner. When I catch the sight of him I run and jump into his arms "Dad! I've been wanting to talk to you all day" he chuckles and lifts me, kissing me on my forehead. "What's going on sweetheart?"

"When are you going back to Alexandria?"

His facial expression changes and I can tell he's caught off guard.

"In a couple of days, why?"

"I was wondering if I could go with you" I smile big giving him a confident and reassuring look.

He puts me down and rests his hands on my shoulders "it's too dangerous for you out there, I know you're sick of being stuck here all the time but that's how I keep you safe".

I sigh and put on my puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist.

"Sweetheart, the answer is still no"                       

"But please, dad, I promise I won't cause any trouble"

He stops and thinks for a moment.
My heart begins to race, waiting for his response.

"Fine, but only one time" he gives in, his voice sounding a little hesitant.

I scream and jump excitedly. I'm finally going to get to see what the world is like outside of these walls.

"You're the best, I promise I won't let you down" I sprint back to my room and began going through all of my clothes to find the perfect outfit to wear on my first trip out.

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