Chapter IV (Ivy and Will)

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They stood together both watching as the cowardly boy ran away. Ivy's eyes lit up with joy. "It worked." She breathed smiling at Will. "It worked!" She exclaimed. She turned around, facing Will. She grabbed hold of his shoulders rocking him back and forth. "And it wouldn't have worked without your acting" she said letting go. She bowed her head almost mocking his attitude towards Hunter. "I knew you never liked him. Maybe I'll even go so far to say, you hated him." She giggled.

"I could say the same, to you" he grin slightly tilting his head to the side. Ivy dropped her smile, disgusted by the sudden change in his attitude. She let out a sigh and continued walking through the hallway, with Will beside her.

Like always the flooring creaked  but by now they have gotten used to it. The dim lighting was nothing new to them either.  They continues on until they reached another fork in the path. They stopped and looked at each other before taking a right once more. They both could tell that the atmosphere was beginning to get thicker and the surrounding objects began to look cleaner almost as if the specific area they were in was uses days before their arrival. They stopped again but only this time by Ivy. Will, now frustrated by the sudden unexpected stop, gripped his hand on her shoulder. But before he could speak Ivy turned around staring behind him. Her mind was jammed like glue. "What the hell?" she whispered as she stood defenceless before him. Will turned around. He let go of her shoulder and walked towards the area of interest. "Wait! Maybe we should just leave it" she shouted behind him.

"What do you mean?" Will questioned. He walked back to his previous position. Ivy's eyes enlarge as she watched an eerie shadow raise from the ground and moved to the walls.

"Fuck sake" she mumbled before grabbing hold of Wills hand and briskly walking away. Startled by the sudden touch will attempted to break free. "Shut up" she said tightening her grip and glaring back at him.

Their pace increased and before they knew it, they were running down the endless corridors. They stopped at a kitchen. She opened the door and pushed Will before closed it behind her. She leaned against the door. Will moved closer to her.

"Whats going on" he asked her. She lifted her hand up to her lips and gestured him to stay quiet.

Time stood still like never before. Will gazed up at the window above Ivy head. He couldn't see anything but he heard shuffles like a person was coming their direction. They stared at each other, fear washed over them like a tidal wave. Will twitched but only because his body reached. When his fear faded away, he grabbed Ivy and pulled her in a locker with him. They peered through the tiny holes waiting for the unknown person to appear. A man wearing dusky cloudy googles emerged from the hallway. He leaned into the room and stared at the locker the two were in. The two teenagers held the breath observing from inside of the locker. The man smiled and walked up to one of the counters. He laid down a paper bag and walked out of the room.

They waited a few minutes before exiting the locker. Once they were out, they both sat down on the floor. Ivy cleared her throat as she took off her backpack. "I guess we're even know" she said searching through her bag.

"What do you mean?" Will replied.

"We both saved each other" she said taking out some pens and a notebook. She opened the book up on an empty page. She began drawing the two classrooms they started from. She marked down where everyone woke up in.

"Anyways" she said swiftly changing the subject, "have you noticed anything weird from the classroom we came from". Will stood up and searched through the cabinets. He retuned back with some bars of chocolate.

"I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed" he unwrapped a bar and began eating it. Ivy followed shortly. He pointed to the drawing. "Two identical room. Five desks in both rooms yet there were nine people who were in the room."

"Correct." She said bitting into the chocolate "I'm guessing there is a traitor among us" she said circling one of the desks. She raised her eyes. In that moment they both exchanged glares, eyes sparked with murderous intent. "Don't worry I'll only consider you an ally once you show me your barcode" she smiled.

"Same goes to you" Will replied in the exact tone. They both dropped their smiles and raised their hands. "We'll reveal them on the count of three." They held on to their sleeves waiting for the count down. The silenced filled the room wrapped around their throats almost suffocating them. A faint sound of a flicking TV suddenly intensified the tension.

"One" Will began to count. "Two" he continued. They steadied their hands. Sweat rolled down their skin in thick salty beads and adrenaline coursed through their veins almost as if they ran a marathon."Three!" They pulled up their sleeves. "Wait, your-" but before he could finish, a microphone switch on.

"Coming in to all my players" the voice from before shouted through the intercom. "The first day has officially come to an end. If you go could go to the nearest kitchen, you should find  sleeping bags and food. Like any functional household you must go to bed. If you do not follow these instructions you will be punished. Good night all my precious players." A few snickers were heard before the microphone turned off.

They sighed and pulled out the sleeping bag from underneath the counter. They reluctantly enter them and closed their eyes. "We'll talk about this more in the morning" Will said before turning over facing away from Ivy.

Pulling up her sleeve, she inspected her barcode once more. She gazed memorised at the details around it as she softly whispered "two". A smilie danced on her lips as she slowly touched the blade. "I guess theres no more suspicion anymore" she asked.

A soft "correct" was heard before the lights turned off.

(A/N) Oh I totally forgot that this book existed. Thats why it took this long to update.

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