Chapter I (The Alliance)

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"If I find you, you must play hide and seek with me," she read the last rule. She placed the thin book down back in its previous place but not before noticing a sheet pinned to the wall underneath the desk. Ivy's eyes scanned the unusual page. She reached out to grab the page and ripped it off the pin. She smiled as she felt a feeling of accomplishment for finding a clue. A black spider crawled on the page with the rustle of paper. It was fat and large, roughly the size of half her hand. Her smile disappeared, and the creature jumped inches away from her finger. She sprung backwards landing on the floor letting go of the page so it fluttered to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Will asked, his black hair bright in the flickering lights. She pointed out to the page landing on the book. The fear she felt disappeared and she was left in an embarrassed state. She bit down on her lip.

"It was nothing" she muttered. The room fell silent and a slim thin male, wearing a hoodie over his school uniform approached the page that she threw. He silently observed the sheet before letting a irritated huff out. He stomped back to Ivy, gripping the page tighter and forming his hand into a fist, throwing the crumpled page at her. "Do you really see the situation we are in? We are fucking kidnapped by a psychotic bastard and God knows what the hell he could do to us but instead of giving two shits about that you're there screaming every time you see a fucking spider!" he gritted his teeth, speaking in a low agitated voice. His voice shook everyone into reality. Ivy still on the floor, and couldn't bring herself to look at him. He was already terrifying with his ominous aura and his piercing gaze. "I fucking know. I don't need someone like you to tell me" she mumbled back drawing her eyes away from his stern expression on his face. His big figure moved closer. Eventually there was little to no space between them.

"Huh what did you say" he shouted bring his fist to the air, ready to punch her. Before he could launch his fist he was stopped.

"Stop it Hunter! It isn't the time for this" Will said hold his fist back. He pulled him away from her. Hunter wore a sour expression cursing under his breath when he looked back. Iain extend his hand out to help Ivy up. She forced a smile and accepting his offer. As she rose with the aid of Iain, she glared under her bangs at Hunter. Instead of dull lighting, she saw bright luminous colours. She was woken from her delocalises from a boy in a black uniform. He walked to the centre of the scene and straight his stripped tie before suggesting an offer.

"Let's all get along here and try not to kill each other" he said curving his lips into a malicious smile. He licked his lips and waited for a response. Hunter eyebrows knitted together. He glared down at the boy before slumping his back and walking towards him.

"Are implying that we should listen to you! Do you think of yourself as a leader?" He said in a threatening tone.

"Ah Hunter was it? I'm not necessarily saying that I'm the leader but I'm proposing that we should make an alliance." He gestured to everyone in the room.

"Don't see why that's so necessary, jackass-" Hunter questioned.

"My name is Jasper. And it's obvious that you didn't see what was written on the sheet." Hunter snapped the sheet out of his hand. He quietly whispered what was written on the sheet to himself. His expression was calm but towards the end his eyes enlarged. Everyone hovered around him. All paying attention to the symbols and the images displayed in the corner. The group looked at their wrists. A smirk danced on Jasper's lips. "I'm sure everyone has noticed now that a bar code is drawn on your wrist, with one of these images." No one answered. They stood looking at each other paranoid and curious of ones bar code. " I hope you all realise the importance for the alliance now. We don't want someone to kill one of us, just like in the past." Ivy's pupils shook. She became restless and her eyes wandered around the room looking at everyone in the their eyes. She knew that there were others in her situation but they seem composed and relaxed. Her heartbeat increased and she could hear it clearly in her ear.

"Why can't we just show or barcodes instead" Vola asked.

"Let me put it this way. Would you like to die by the group of murderers?" Jasper said using his index finger to push up his glasses up the bridge of his nose. They fell silent once again.

"What do we do now?"Vola asked crossing her arms and leaning her body against the wall.

"Isn't it obvious. We have to find our rooms and then we can discuss more about this place" Ivy said. She was eager to find what's happening to them and why they were selected to play this disgusting game. Everyone agree. They formed three groups of three by drawing coloured strips.

"So the groups have been decided. The first and second group will explore and the third will stay here in cause there is an issue." Jasper said, observing the second group which included, Will, Ivy and Hunter. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

A suffocating atmosphere formed around Ivy and Hunter, leaving Will in between them. Glares were received by both. "Okay let's go" Ivy said letting a sigh escape. The two group agreed and swung their backpacks over their shoulder and exiting the safe hold.

Pulling up her sleeve, she inspected her barcode once more. A miniature drawing of a knife was placed near the barcode, blade seeming to shine slightly in the dim light. Drops of bright red blood was dripping from the blade, making it look so real that Ivy almost put her finger to it to check. She stopped herself, swallowing as she pulled her sleeve back down and ran back to the group.
(A/N) Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to follow The_girlwholived because she help me finished this chapter or as I say fixed the last paragraph. Ps that last paragraph wasn't even going to be there cause I gave up on it ;)

Now you all must wait another five months until I update ;)

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