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Some call me a bitch. Others call me a fake. But really all I am is a heartbreaker.

It all started with stupid bet between my friend Cali and I.


"Serenaaaa!" Cali chirped excitedly in my ear. I jumped at the sudden noise. "Hey cal!" I replied.

Cali and I had been friends since we could ever remembers we always told each other everything. We were practically conjoined at the hip.


It was a lazy summer day before freshman year and we sat In my room bored.I was on my phone when Cali had began talking to me.

"You know what! We should do something..." she paused to think." Wanna make a bet?" she asked eyes full mischief, waiting for an answer. I bit my lip and contemplated. "What kind of bet?" I answered .

"Let's see who can break the most hearts in our high school years." she said. I was taken back a bit what kind of stupid idea was that. "I mean, it's not like anybody ever treats each others hearts right in highschool, anyway." Cali continued. She zoned out briefly ,deep in thoughts. I knew exactly what Cali was thinking about. She had recently broken up with her first boyfriend whom had only lasted a good 2 months. Yet she was still heartbroken about it. I guess it was the whole first love thing. I would probably understand when I got my first love.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess." Cali smiled at my answer. I never really wanted to do this whole bet. Being reckless with love and playing with ones emotions was never a kind thing to do and ." The bet starts the first day of freshman year"


A whole year had passed since the bet was made. Sophomore year was going to start the next week. In that time period, I had broken only two hearts, I still couldn't really see the point of the bet. Cali however was on 12 and counting.

"Hey serena." Cali beamed at me although her eyes showed almost what seemed like fear. I watched her and studied her every moved. We were at the mall in a crowded food court eating our favorite, soft pretzels. She slid into the seat across from me and looked around at the people who occupied the space..

"So you know last week that guy I was dating and said that I was gonna break his heart soon?" Her voice was low and shakey

"Well I did and to be honest,Im scared. As soon as I told him we were over he flipped his shit. He started yelling at me and was threatening me." She looked at me ashamed.

Cali always had a way of making trouble, and ever since this bet it's seems like she's a trouble magnet. Another reason I was not to keen of it. I was a bit worried for her.

"Maybe you should tell the police or something." I spoke. Her eyes widened and she shook her head "No!No! That would just make it worse." She whisper yelled. I guess she would probably work it out herself.

A month had passed and we were back in school. Cali still complained about that guy, she said that he had showed up at her house once and trashed it. When she had told me that I told her to tell the police. She still refused though. Worried that she would be in trouble too.

One day she had not shown up to school. At the time I had not really been concerned assuming she was sick. After a 3 days she had still not shown up so I left a few calls, they were never answered. After a week I decided tos rip by for a visit. A mistake I still regret today. What I found still haunts me today.

I walked in only to see her parents lying bloody and lifeless on the ground slits on both their necks and wrists.Fear had washed through me and tears streamed down my face I finally called the police although it was too late for Cali. As I ran toward the door to wait for the authorities, I saw lying crinkled and blood splattered on the ground, a note. It said only three. words scribbled on notebook paper: "bye bye heartbreaker".

***flashback over***

It's been almost a year and a half since that nightmare of a day. I'm now a semester into my senior year. Since Cali's death the bet seems to have taken over my life. It was the one thing that reminded me of her the most. My heart count is now up to 37, but it still didn't amount to the pain and emptiness that was my heart. I'm not planning to quit until graduation just like Cali had said.


Okay guys so sorry if that was rushed or confusing really all I wanted was to get the back story across so you knew why she does what she does. But long story short to clear confusion nobody knows about "the bet" they only know that she goes through guys like toilet paper. Who knows maybe her first love will come and save her from her bad habits *hint hint* Anywhore I will try to update and since right now barely anyone is reading if you ask me to update I will. also I know a lot of you will think she's a bitch but that's the point that's what Cali's death has done to her turned her in to a. Cold,heartless bitch. We'll thanks for reading and please share I don't really like commenting on story's to advertise my work because I find it rude. Bye :) !!!!!

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