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The next morning Anna was packing the boy's lunches while the boys were eating breakfast.

Ethan: Mommy Molly is coming over to play today?

Anna: I know are you excited?

Ethan: Yep I can't wait to show her the treehouse.

Anna: I'm sure she will love it, hurry up and eat it's almost time to go.

Ethan: Where is daddy mommy?

Anna: He had a meeting this morning.

Ethan: For a new movie is he leaving again?

Anna: I'm not sure buddy I'm sure he will tell us later.

Ethan: I don't like when he leaves I miss him.

Anna told the boys to grab their backpacks and get their shoes on because it was time to go. Anna grabbed her keys and purse off the counter and headed for the door. When they arrived at school, Anna parked the car and walked the boys to the door.

Anna: I'll be here after school to pick you up.

Ethan: Ok mommy I'll see you later bye.

Anna: Bye, buddy.

Noah: Bye mommy I gave her a hug then ran after Ethan.

Anna: Bye.

Later in the afternoon, Anna went to the school to pick up the boys when she arrived at school the bell went off and the boys came running out. 

Ethan: Hi mommy.

Anna: Hey buddy how was your day.

Ethan: Great I drew you a picture.

Anna: That's, awesome buddy.

Noah: Hi mommy.

Anna: Hey baby how was your day?

Noah: Good I made a new friend.

Anna: You did?

Noah: Yep he likes planes just like me.

Anna: That's great.

Molly and her mom came over.

Nina: Hi I'm Nina Molly's mom.

Anna: I'm Anna nice to meet you.

Nina: It was so nice of you to invite Molly over.

Anna: It was all Ethan's idea he wants to show her his treehouse so if you want to follow us the kids can play and we can have a drink.

Nina: That sounds great we will see you soon.

Everyone arrived back at the house the kids went off to play in the backyard, while Anna grabbed a couple of drinks and sat at the table watching the kids play.

The kids played for an hour then Anna got them a couple of juice boxes and some fruit. 

Anna: Do you have any other kids?

Nina: Nope just Molly, I couldn't imagine having more than one.

Anna: After I had Ethan and what happened to him I wasn't sure if I wanted more, but Noah was a surprise.

Nina: What happened to Ethan if you don't mind me asking?

Anna: No it's fine, I had him at 30 weeks, I thought I was going to lose him.

Nina: Wow I'm sorry you went through that.

Anna: It was rough at the time, but everything turned out fine. How does Molly like being an only child?

Nina: She hates it asks me all the time for a sibling it's just me and Molly that's enough. Are you married?

Anna: I am my husband Jake is at a couple meetings right now. How about you are you married?

Nina: Nope I was, but my husband left us a couple years back.

Anna: I'm sorry that must be hard on you and Molly does she see him?

Nina: He hasn't seen her since he left. He just checked out on us that's the hardest part not knowing why he left.

Anna was about to respond when Jake walked through the door. 

Jake: Hey babe we need to talk I've got big news.

Anna: That's great but can we wait till later we have company.

Jake: I'm sorry, Hi I'm Jake.

Nina: Nice to meet you, I'm Nina Molly's mom.

While the grown-ups talked, the kids ran around the yard chasing each other and laughing they played on the swing set, and Ethan showed Molly his treehouse.

The adults talked for a while longer before Nina told Molly it was time to go home they thanked Anna and Jake for having them over and said they should do it again.

Later that night Ethan couldn't stop talking about much he liked Molly and how much fun they had playing together. Anna and Jake were glad that his first playdate was a success and that he wanted another one.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now