6 Months

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Time jump for this one Ethan is now 6 months.

Today is Ethan's 6-month check up. Anna and Jake couldn't believe that their baby boy was already six months old. 

Anna: Can you believe he's six months already?

Jake: Nope time is flying by fast.

Anna: I know, we'll be better get going do you have the bag?

Jake: I left it upstairs I'll grab it.

Anna: Don't forget his giraffe I yelled at Jake.

Jake came down the stairs with the bag in one hand and the giraffe in the other. He placed the giraffe in the car seat with Ethan, then made their way to the car. When they got to the doctor's office it didn't take long for them to be called.

Once in the room, Anna took Ethan's clothes off like the nurse had told her to do Ethan didn't like that at all he started to cry. The doctor came in and started to look him over Ethan continued to cry.

Anna: It's ok Ethan just a little longer, then we can get dressed I said as I held his hand while the doctor looked him over.

Once the doctor was done Anna was able to dress Ethan. The doctor wrote down everything he needed then the nurse came in to give him is needles. 

Nurse: Ok which one of you is going to hold him while we do this?

Anna: My husband is going to hold him. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it.

Jake: I held on to my son while the nurse gave him the shots he needed we were both surprised when Ethan didn't cry. 

Anna: Wow good job Ethan your so brave I said as I watched the nurse.

Once the shots were done I held Ethan while the doctor went over things with us he said that Ethan was doing great especially for being born early the doctor gave us the go-ahead to start him on solid food.  

When they got home from the doctors Anna took Ethan into the family room and put him down on his mat so he could have tummy time. Jake came into the room with them and watched as Ethan grabbed for some of his toys.

While they were watching Ethan Anna noticed him getting on his hands and knees. 

Anna: Hey babe I think he is going to crawl get the phone and take a video.

Jake: I grabbed your phone should I get on the floor across from him?

Anna: Yeah see if he will crawl to you. 

Jake: I opened the camera and put it on video I called his name and he started to crawl towards me.

Anna: Good job buddy I said as he crawled towards Jake he was about to reach Jake when he stopped to stare at one of his toys.

Jake: I think he lost interest babe I said as I looked at Anna.

Anna: Yep he wants to play. Send the video to our parents my mom has been asking me to send more pictures and videos.

Jake: I sent the video to my parents and Anna's plus I sent it to Britt because we always send Britt something. I handed the phone to her, there all sent I said.

Anna: Thank you. I'm going to make lunch should we try some solid food with him or wait until dinner?

Jake: We could try now it's almost time for a bottle anyway.

Anna and Jake took Ethan into the kitchen they tried him with some of the baby cereal at first Ethan wasn't sure what it was he was eating but then it turned out he wanted more.

Anna: I think he likes it he's not spitting it out at me.

Jake: Well that's good do you like it Ethan is it good? 

Ethan responded with baby babble so they took that as a yes he liked what he was eating. Once they finished feeding him and had lunch they put Ethan down for a nap. Anna's phone went off it was a text from Britt responding to the video that was sent. Britt wrote aww he's so cute and getting so big I've been busy I have to come and see him soon.

Anna responded with come by anytime and updated her about his 6-month check up and how everything went fine and how he is right on schedule then sent it off.  

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