"I like her," Channing commented coyly after a few moments, nudging Maximus, who shot him a look.

"Well, that's great, as long as you like her, right?" Malakai sneered sarcastically, pushing himself off the wall and made his way towards the group. "You all can hold hands... love each other... but while you're doing that- I'm gonna find Aurora."

With that, Malakai left the room, stomping his way down the grand staircase. Rory couldn't help but roll her eyes. She had made it clear she wanted to save Aurora- he couldn't possibly think he could save her on his own. Eira reluctantly started to stand up to follow him before she a hand stopped her.

"Let me." Rory pushed herself off the bed, walking out of the room. She almost hit her head on a floating potted plant but ducked just in time. Letting out a breath of relief, she saw Malakai making his way down the gold staircase. Since the stairs twisted as it descended, he made eye contact with her.

Scoffing, he didn't stop moving. "Leave me alone, princess."

"Princess? Really?" she groaned, causing him to arch an eyebrow at her.

"What do you want?"

"Could you just stop walking? We can talk about this, we can help each other!" she shouted at him, raising her voice when he showed no interest in listening to her. "Ugh!" Rory exclaimed, letting herself lose her demeanor for a moment. The house began to shake, making Malakai stop to steady himself.

"Rory-" he growled, eyeing her dangerously.

"Say that you'll stay to help, and I'll stop," she offered simply with a shrug as she pretended to check her nails, tilting her head slightly. She wasn't even sure if she could stop, but she wanted to act like she could to assert some power. Pouting her lips, she glanced down at the boy who looked far more furious than before.

"I will tear you apart! Limb by limb!" Malakai shouted angrily, pointing a finger at her; however, this only made her laugh.

"Sounds fun! Is that before or after you rescue Aurora alone? Sorry, just having a hard time keeping track of your heroic plan," Rory mocked, perching herself against the staircase with a smirk. Taking a deep breath, she became calmer which made the shaking come to an end. I'm getting the hang of this, she noted smugly.

"I am not a hero," he snarled as he began to charge up the stairs towards her.

"Don't have to convince me," Rory assured him in a dry tone, holding her hands up in surrender. He huffed out as he got to the top stair. He stood mere inches from her face, but she didn't back down. Instead, she stepped closer to him. Keeping her grin plastered on her face, she reached her hand up and brushed his shoulder. Malakai whipped his hand up and grasped her wrist tightly, tilting his head down dangerously.

"Stop speaking," Malakai gritted out between his teeth, squeezing her wrist tighter. His eyes flashed a bright emerald green as if to warn her.

"Ah, ah, ah... can't tear me apart 'limb by limb' quite yet," she reminded him, ripping her wrist from his. She began to walk back to the room before pausing and turning around. "Oh, and Malakai? If you ever touch me again, I'll tear you apart limb by limb."

With that, she walked back into her room to where the others still were. Channing had a wide-spread grin on his face- his wolf hearing likely allowed him to hear every word of that conversation. As he locked eyes with Rory, he offered her a loose salute with his fingers, making her shake her head in amusement. The others had similar expressions, probably hearing some of what happened. She exhaled quickly, eyes widening as if brushing off her previous dark attitude.

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