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Hello everyone, 

Since February is the month of love, I have decided to write this short novel about the tragic end of two lovers who dared to defy their states and stick together with each other. I hope y'all will enjoy it. 

I would love any comments on this book because I love comments. Any comments are fine as long as y'all aren't being mean of course. 

Thanks so much. I hope this makes y'all cry with a vengeance. Hehehe...

P.S. : No seriously, if y'all don't wanna cry, don't read it. But if y'all are in for some tragedy in this valentine's day and wanna just diss on stupid romantic happily ever afters then join me as I ruin the lives of my beautiful vampire and mysterious witch. 



Of Blood and Ice : Vampire Witch Romance Novella 1 ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora