THE FÜHRER'S DAUGHTER (Episode 1) Chapters 8, 9, 10

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She glanced at her watch.

Two minutes.

She’d only been down here twice, once when she was five and another time when she was twelve. Both times with her ever-protective “father.” Now, not only had the truth shattered her perception of him, it had taken the man she’d loved, and replaced him with a stranger.

Nevertheless, she still recalled the rhyme he taught her in case she needed to escape on her own.


From the study,

Keep it steady,

One, two, three.

First turn left,

Then turn right,

And you’ll be free.

She sprinted down the corridor, keeping her hands out to feel the wall.


On her left, a gap in the wall opened to another hallway.


This time, a break on right.


Again an opening on the right side. Then she found the hallway on the left and raced through.

The sound of clamoring guards drew nearer.

They were in the tunnel.

But she wouldn’t be for long.

In less than ten steps, she darted right.

The passage wound to the right and downward. She didn’t remember the declining terrain, it had been a while. Searing pain coursed through her legs. Where’s that exit? It should be here!

With a loud smack, something struck her forehead.

Grace staggered back.

A brick wall now stood in the place where the exit was supposed be. She shined her watch light in the area to find another way out.


Without a thought, she sprinted toward the last hallway that branched off the main corridor.

The overhead lights flashed on.

Stung her eyes.

Voices grew louder.

She quickened her pace.

Have to get out of here!

She blinked a few times until her vision cleared.

Without warning, something caught her utterly by surprise.

She froze.


“MOTHER!” GRACE SAID, as she came to a stop. She was dressed in a flowing white evening gown, adorned in spectacular jewels. “What are you doing?”

“Miles told me everything.” She pulled a black pistol out of the glittering clutch in her hand and chambered a round. “You’ve got to keep going.”

“But—” The sound of the guards approaching interrupted.

“Take this corridor,” Mother said. “The last hallway on the right before it comes to a dead end will lead you out of the palace. Now, hurry!”

THE FÜHRER'S DAUGHTEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz