THE FÜHRER'S DAUGHTER (Episode 3 of 5) Chapters 9 & 10

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DANGLING FROM THE HELICOPTER'S skid, Jack's arms felt like they would be yanked out of their sockets.

Finally, the chopper righted itself.

The pilot had managed to grasp Jack's legs.

They both hung perilously over the rocky mountainside and tree tops.

Struggling to shake the pilot off, Jack kicked at his hands.

Undeterred, Bayer clawed his way up Jack's legs.

Again, the helicopter pitched and rolled.

Jack shouted, "What are you doing, Miles!"

Grace stuck her head out the door and pointed ahead. "Jack, look out!"

They were flying straight into the mountain range.

He turned and gasped as the jagged rocks grew closer.

He could barely see Miles in the cockpit, fumbling with the controls and trying to fly the helicopter.

Miles leaned back to call out. "Can't do it, Jack! You're the flyboy, get your butt back in here!"

"I'm a little busy!"

Still climbing, the Nazi pilot was now gripping Jack's knees.

Jack kicked him in the shoulder, then the neck.

Bayer lost his grip.

Slid down.

Caught Jack's ankle with his other hand.

Suspended precariously, Bayer flailed about.

Jack lifted his free foot and kicked at his head.

Bayer dodged it, gripped the same ankle with both hands now.

Jack swung around and tried to steady himself for another kick.

Just as he reared back, the pilot looked up.

With all the force he could summon, Jack smashed the heel of his boot into Bayer's nose.

A sickening crack.

Bayer cursed him, spat blood, then regained a grip with both hands.

He must have been having an adrenaline rush, because now he clutched Jack's legs with alarming intensity.

Jack drew his foot back again.

With a feral grunt, he slammed his heel into the pilot's ear.

The pilot's neck snapped sideways, his head twisting at a grotesque angle.

Just as the helicopter came within meters of the mountain, Bayer fell.

Smashing into the jagged rocks, his body bounced several times as it tumbled down.

Jack scrambled back aboard, his own legs barely missing the rocks.

Head spinning, he struggled to sit up, and reorient himself.

With his back to the cockpit, he didn't notice the co-pilot behind him who'd regained consciousness, with a hunting knife pointed directly at Jack's back.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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