Chapter 22 - Follow You

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Three days later

Jay sat on his hospital bed, Lexi stood in front of him helping him pull a t-shirt over his head. He had been in the hospital for five days and was tired of wearing the standard issue hospital gown. He wanted to feel a bit more human, in actual clothes. He had been allowed to shower for the first time today, with the assistance of Lexi who had used all her willpower not to leap on him the second he was naked in front of her.

Jay had managed to put on his black sweat pants without help but needed help getting his t-shirt over his casted arm and over the stitches from his surgery. Jay grimaced as he stretched his arm to high and pulled the stitches a little on his side.

"Shit I'm sorry" Lexi said pulling his shirt gently down over his stomach.

Jay exhaled deeply and closed his eyes waiting for the shooting pain in his side to subside. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault"

"Technically it kinda of is," Lexi told him smirking a little to show she was only half joking "Kelly punched you, Calvin tried to kill you, all because of this girl right here" she said pointing at herself.

"You know, now that I think about it, you're right!" Jay smiled "being your friend kinda hurts"

Ouch! – Lexi thought. He had called her his friend, that hurt more than she would have admitted. Although neither of them had said their relationship was over, Lexi figured that was Jay's subtle way of making it a little clearer.

"Being your friend isn't a walk in the park either you know" Lexi joked grinning hoping it hid the hurt in her eyes.

Jay laughed, "Is that so?"

"Yeah, I mean how many times have I had to save you from a bad date, took your drunk ass home, hid your hungover ass from Voight, bought you lunch because you conveniently forgot your wallet?"

Jay chuckled, she had done all those things numerous times. Jay played along and tried to look offended, "yeah well you steal the bed covers" he chided listing one of her flaws.

Lexi laughed, was that the only thing he could think of, she smirked replying "Oh, sleep with all your friends do you?"

Jay grabbed the waist of her jeans, hooking his fingers over the top he pulled her closer to him. He wanted to kiss her, it felt right, they had been flirting and joking around for a few days, it felt like the right time to kiss her. It didn't mean he wanted to jump back in to their relationship, one step at a time. Jay looked up at her slowly moving his head closer to hers he said, "Only the hot ones".

Lexi leaned in to him, she joked "So you and Ruzek have..." she jested implying Adam was one of Jay's hot friends and they had slept together.

Jay's lips brushed hers as he whispered softly "Oh yeah loads of times."

Adam bursting through the door and announcing, "Your saviour has arrived!" interrupted them. Jay stood up quickly making Lexi take a couple steps back. Jay had pulled away like a naughty school child having been caught doing something he shouldn't be. He wasn't ready for their relationship, or the restart of their relationship to be public knowledge right now.

Lexi cleared her throat "speak of the devil" she remarked walking around Jay and to the other side of the bed as Adam appeared from around the corner carrying bags of fast food.


Author note: the below section was inspired by a song called "Follow You" by a band called Bring Me The Horizon. I haven't used the direct lyric but just wanted to give credit where credit is due.

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