Chapter Seven: Five Years Ago

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warning: this chapter contains scenes of physical abuse and mentions of physical abuse. If you feel that this may be triggering to you, I advise you skip this chapter, or at the very least skip the parts that are written in italics.

Thanks guys. Love you ♥️



Happy felt like a failure

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Happy felt like a failure. He couldn't protect Jessa. He let her literally skip through his fingers, and now he had to deal with a severely pissed off Jax and Clay. Never would he admit it out loud, but Happy was mostly afraid of what Jax was gonna do. And Clay is probably going to want to know why Happy was with Jessa when he wasn't asked to keep an eye on her. There was no reason to believe there was any threat to Jessa's safety - mostly because Clay and Jax don't know the truth about what happened with Jessa and Jason years ago.


"Nobody breathes a word of this to Clay," Lee said to the guys of the Tacoma Charter.

Jessa had had been brought to them by Kozik, all bruised up with a sprained ankle and broken wrist, cuts on her lips and eyebrow, black eye, the whole works. Her so-called husband beat her to near death when she tried to leave him.

"Clay's gonna kill you if he ever finds out about this," Kozik stated the obvious. "Why keep this from him?"

"Because if I tell Clay, it's gonna get back to Jax, and when Jax finds out that this piece of shit did this to his sister, he's gonna go on a rampage. That's why we're not breathing a word of this,"

Happy was snapped out of his daze when he heard the familiar roars of the approaching bikes, and soon his was surrounded by Clay and Jax, along with Juice, Opie, Tig, Chibs and Half-Sack.

"What the fuck happened?" Jax yelled as he stormed over to Happy. "Where the fuck is my sister?"

Happy shook his head. "He got me off guard. Made a stupid mistake, this is on me brother,"

"You're damn right this is on you," Jax snapped. "What do we know about this guy?"

"Works with Jason Wells, said Jason wants Jessa back or some shit like that,"

"Shit. He's probably taking her back up to Washington then. Let's go,"

Clay turned away and got Lee on the phone.


Jessa woke up, tied up in the back of a moving van with a rag in her mouth

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Jessa woke up, tied up in the back of a moving van with a rag in her mouth. No windows, complete darkness. She had no idea where she was and where she was going. But she had a feeling it had something to do with her ex husband.


"Jessa baby?" Jason walked through the front door of their Tacoma house, white roses in his hand. When she didn't call back, he grew suspicious and sat the flowers on the kitchen counter.

"Jess? Where are you?"

He walked into their bedroom, still not finding his wife. Then he turned to face the closet, seeing all of her clothes gone from the hangers. Anger boiled inside him.

And then, he heard the sound of a car door slamming shut.

He bolted out of the bedroom and out the back door. Jessa sat inside the car and didn't notice Jason until he tore the door open and pulled her out of the car. She screamed as he dragged her into the house, her shoulder popping out of socket.

"How dare you try to leave me you fucking bitch!" Jason threw her to the ground and kicked her stomach. She screamed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she pleaded with him to stop, but he didn't. He kept going.


Herman Kozik pulled up in front of the house, immediately scanning the scene. He jumped off his bike when he took note of Jessa's car, which had the engine running and the door wide open, but no Jessa in sight.

He drew his gun and walked up to the front door. He took the knob, it was locked, so he backed up and kicked the door down with one go. The scene unfolding inside quickly came to a stop.

"What the fuck?" Kozik yelled, charging for Jason, who bolted out the back door.

Jessa's safety was far more important than going after him, and Lee would just have to get over that. Putting his gun away, Kozik picked up the unconscious girl and carried her out to her car. He laid her down in the back and quickly drove to the clubhouse.

Jessa's body was slammed against the side of the van as it came to a hard stop. Seconds later, the door was flung open and she was pulled out. She flailed around and attempted to scream, failing immensely.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch, nobody can hear you,"


"Why the fuck was I never informed of this?" Jax screamed at Lee

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"Why the fuck was I never informed of this?" Jax screamed at Lee. "As soon as you found out what was happening you should've picked up the fucking phone and called me so I could handle it! Then this wouldn't have happened!"

All the guys stood to the side as Jax continued screaming at the Tacoma charter leader.

"If my sister dies, her blood is on your hands,"

He stormed away from them and sat down on the ground outside. He felt tears brimming his eyes but he quickly blinked them away and stared up at the sky.

"I'm coming Jess, I'm coming,"

Taking a breath, he went back inside, just in time to catch the end of Kozik and Lee's conversation.

"I told you you should've told Clay the minute I brought her here," Kozik said. "This could've been prevented,"

Jax walked over to them and grabbed Kozik by his shoulders. "I need a word with you,"

Kozik and Jax stepped back outside.

"Listen, Jax, I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys what happened,"

"That's not my problem with you," Jax replied. "My problem with you is, I know you were sleeping with my sister,"

Kozik stayed silent for a minute, pondering his response.

"It wasn't just sex, man, we were together,"

Jax sighed, "so I've heard,"


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