Chapter Two: Happy Lowman

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Gemma dropped Jessa off outside the diner after they left the hospital so that she could apply for a very temporary waitress job

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Gemma dropped Jessa off outside the diner after they left the hospital so that she could apply for a very temporary waitress job. Of course she'd gotten it, a graduate of community college in Seattle was most definitely way too good to be working in a diner in Charming.

By the time her interview was over and the paperwork was filled out, Jessa sat in a booth sipping a milkshake. She pulled her old Blackberry cell phone out of her jeans pocket and called Tig.

"Hey Tiggy. Are you busy?" She asked him.

"No. Why?"

"Can you come and pick me up from the diner?"

"Sure thing, darlin'. I'll be right there."

Jessa paid for her milkshake and went outside to wait for Tig.

Although it wasn't Tig who showed up.

Instead, it was a bald man on a bike who was covered in tattoos.

"Come on, Princess," He'd called out to her, his bike still running.

The only reason Jessa trusted this man she'd never seen before was because she saw his vest said Sons of Anarchy on it.

"Um, who the fuck are you?" She asked as she took the helmet he handed her.

"Happy," he said gruffly. "Tig asked me to pick you up,"

Without another word, she climbed onto the bike behind him and loosely wrapped her arms around his torso. She let out a squeal when he sped out of the parking lot at lightning speed.


"Thank you," Jessa said to Happy as they arrived at the clubhouse. "I'm Jessa, by the way,"

"I know," Happy responded, taking the helmet from her. "You're Jax's baby sister,"

"I prefer the term "younger sister" but yeah, that's me,"

Not another word was shared between them as they walked inside. Jessa immediately located Tig and punched him hard on the shoulder.

"Fuck! What was that for?" He exclaimed.

"I thought you were picking me up!"

"I was going to but Chibs needed my help so I sent Happy. What's the big deal?"

Jessa rolled her eyes. "I don't know him Tig! The only reason I trusted him was because I saw he was a Son!"

"I thought you knew Hap," Tig said, confused. "He knows you,"

"How the fuck would I know him? I haven't been in Charming for ten years!"

"Didn't you know Jax had the Tacoma charter keeping tabs on you?"

Jessa furrowed her brows. "Of course I did. What's that got to do with anything?"

"Hap's from the Tacoma charter, baby. He was the one watching you most of the time,"

"That was Kozik, he was with me most of the time,"

"Oh, I know all about that, babydoll," Tig said, disgust in his voice. "But Kozik was the one who was with you. Happy was the one watching you,"

Jessa scoffed. "What do you know all about, Tiggy?"

"That you were sleeping with Kozik," Clay interjected, coming to a stop beside his step daughter.

Jessa turned her head to look at him. "I really don't think that's anybody's business but mine and Herman's,"

Tig snickered. "I can't take this seriously when you call him Herman,"

"That's his name, Tig," Jessa rolled her eyes. "Whatever. We haven't been together in months, it's over,"

"Well, I should hope so. Jax is gonna be pissed if he finds out," Clay said.

"Well he's not going to, unless you guys plan on telling him,"

Jessa cornered Happy at the bar two hours later.

"Why'd you have to go and tell Tig about me and Kozik?" She snapped. "That information was not yours to tell,"

Happy gave her a side glance as he took a sip of his beer. His silence angered Jessa more.

"Seriously? You aren't gonna say anything?"

"He doesn't talk that much," Half-Sack inserted, earning glares from both of them. He put his hands up and backed away from them.

"Fuck you, Happy. Now Tig is pissed at me,"

Happy shot up from his seat and grabbed her arm.
"Don't talk to me like that," He snarled. "I don't give a damn who you are,"

Jessa pulled her arm from his grasp. "Fuck. You."

Happy glared at her. "Just because you have every other guy in this club eating out of the palm of your hand doesn't mean I'm gonna do the same. I don't give a shit that you're Jax's sister. Just because you're a Teller doesn't give you free reign to be a bitch,"

"Hap, calm down," Clay said, setting his hand on Happy's shoulder. "Half-Sack, take Jessa home. Jessa, tell your mom I'll be home soon,"


"She's a fucking bitch, brother. I protected her for years and she talks to me like that?" Happy was drunk and rambling to Ratboy about his encounter with Jessa.

"I mean she didn't know it was you though. Until today she thought it was just Kozik who was protecting her,"

"It was but then they started fucking like jackrabbits so Lee had me step in," Happy explained.

"Look man, I just think you need to be careful. She's royalty to these guys,"

Happy scoffed. "I know,"


"I hate him!" Jessa exclaimed, Gemma sitting on the couch listening to her daughter. "Who the fuck does he think he is grabbing me like that? He's lucky I won't tell Jax, because his ass will be gone if I tell Jax,"

"Baby, calm down. Despite his name, Hap isn't exactly the happiest guy on the planet," Gemma was trying to calm her daughter down, but it wasn't working in her favor.

"Maybe you should fuck him," Clay said from the kitchen. "That's what you did with Kozik,"

"That was different," Jessa snapped. "Herman and I had a relationship. It was more than just sex,"

When neither Clay nor Gemma said anything, Jessa rolled her eyes and stormed back to her bedroom.

"Man, that brings back memories," Gemma said, looking at her husband.

Clay chuckled. "Remember when she wanted to go on a date with that Williams kid?"

Gemma nodded. "You threatened to run him over with the van if he ever went near her,"

"Good times, good times,"


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