An Alliance

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"We have a new group of munies coming in," A mans voice radiated through the communications in the WICKED compound. "A whole lot from the Right Arm, too. Want us to get rid of them, m'am?"

"No," Dr. Paige immediately said back. "No, not yet. Let me see the subjects first."

"Got it." The man confirmed. "We're only a few hours away now."

Newt, and his little sister Lizzy, were crumpled up in a corner of the burg they had been carelessly thrown into, alongside dozens of other kids. The entire time, Newt had been listening to the mans conversation over the radio with this doctor who he assumed he would be meeting soon. What really caught his attention was the note of something called the Right Arm, and how it seemed like the kids from that place should've been gotten rid of a long time ago. It was like the soldiers were afraid of them. But how could a big soldier with a gun be afraid of a little kid who came from a specified group?

After his little sister fell asleep, Newt looked around the berg at all of the kids in his midst. Some older, some younger, but all terrified nonetheless. To his right was a girl, one just smaller than himself. She was fast asleep on the floor, curled up as tight as humanly possible. However, her arm hung out from the bundle which was her body and Newt took notice to the tattoo freshly inked in her skin. It read 'Right Arm' with a small plunder of flames beneath. She was one of the kids WICKED would have gotten rid of if the Doctor hadn't decided to keep her alive.

Jumping out of his comfort zone, and with nothing to lose, Newt reached over and tapped the girls shoulder. She jolted awake with wide eyes and her fists at the ready to punch anyone who came too close, but soon calmed down when she realized it was only a boy.

Without words, he opened up his right arm along with the blanket that was wrapped around him and Lizzy. He sent a warm smile, offering her a place amongst him and his sister. Tentatively, the girl inched closer, but stopped herself.

Newt's smile faltered. "We're in this together now."

With that, the girl had decided this was someone she could trust. Someone she would stand beside for a long time to come. So, she found herself curled up at his side, his head resting on hers as he fell asleep. No longer did these kids have parents or a home. But, now, they had each other. For Newt to have just one more person at his side other than Lizzy, he felt a hundred times better. Because, he knew that whatever he went through, so would this girl. His mom had always told him that a person should never walk through life alone. Luckily for Newt, he'd found his partner. He didn't know her name yet, but that didn't matter because he just knew.

The three kids woke up when the berg jolted everyone inside around. It had landed god knows where and the guards were already rushing to push all of the kids off and into a massive grey building ahead, half built into the ground. It was like an impenetrable fortress, one Newt feared going inside because he knew there probably wasn't an easy way out. Lost in his stupor staring at the building, he failed to realize his new friend was long gone, having been dragged off by a guard.

After frantically scanning the crowd as he and Lizzy walked, Newt finally caught sight of her. She ran alongside a boy with a dark quiff of hair, the two of them keeping perfect stride with one another. Apparently, she'd already found another friend. That didn't bother Newt though, he'd just find her again later.

Inside, all of the kids were lined up one by one, being scanned with some kind of device. It would go up and down their body before beeping and then a guard would drag them off through a set of doors. Half way down the line, Newt noticed it came to a boy with a Right Arm tattoo. The doctor eyed it with suspicion, but ultimately chose to let him through. Some other kids with the same tattoo weren't so lucky. Where they were taken instead of through those doors, Newt didn't want to know.

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