Fleeing The Scene

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 "Alright," Minho tried to get the groups attention. "Jorge just burned that place to the ground, we've lost Thomas and Brenda, and WICKED really...really want's Y/N."

"Thanks for stating the bloody obvious," Newt barked. "We need a plan, Minho! A plan! Do you know what that is?"

The runner's frame stiffened as he stood tall before Newt. "Of course I do, you scrawny shank—"

"Minho!" Frypan jumped in before the keeper of the runners said something he'd regret. "You've gotta have some kinda plan, man. The back of your neck literally reads 'the leader'!"

"Pah!" Minho flailed his arms around. "We all know Thomas assumed that role the minute we left the maze."

"Ok, but Thomas isn't here!" Jorge catapulted himself into the conversation.

"Hey!" Minho badgered. "Get outta here, old man! This is between us...younger people!"

Jorge looked highly offended, but listened to Minho. The man had hated the hot-headed boy since the moment they met, but he was going to wait for the right moment to pummel him to the ground. That wasn't right now. He would agree with everyone else, they had to get out of here. It would only be minutes, at most, before WICKED was onto them again.

"Ok, so...I say...lets run that way!" Minho suggested excitedly, pointing towards a horrifically dark and gloomy alleyway leading outside of the warehouse they were now hiding in. "That'll take us deeper into the city right?"

Jorge sighed gruffly and nodded. "I told Brenda that if we got separated to meet us at one of our posts in the north-eastern sector of the city. If her and Thomas make it out alive, wherever they are, that's where they'll be."

"Ok, cool cool coolcoolcool." Minho blabbered. "So, we should maybe get going? Yeah? Only one problem. I don't know which way is North."

With a sheepish, yet mischievous smile, Minho glanced at Jorge again. "Mind doing us the honours? Show us the way?"

Jorge stood with a stone cold face until he eventually huffed in aggravation. "You just want me to step out of this building first to see if we're gonna get ambushed."

"Pssshhh," Minho rolled his eyes. "Of course not. But, by all means, go first."

"Oh for gods sake," Newt groaned. He grabbed Y/N's hand, and then Minho's, and dragged the two towards the doorway. "We all go out there together. I know if Thomas were here, he'd go out by himself. But—"

"But we're not that stupid."

"Shuck Minho! What is with you?" Frypan complained.

"Dude, I set loose my anxiety with harsh comments and annoying noises. You should know this. We lived in the Glade for three years together." Minho scoffed.

"Okayyy, okaay, let's go!" Jorge grew uneasy and pushed the group of kids out into the alleyway. Luckily, no bullets came careening down from the sky at them or any bright lights. As of now, they were not being tracked.

Jorge was used to Brenda and Brenda alone. A group of teenage boys and a couple of girls who had lived with them for who knows how long, was a very different story. He wasn't used to someone back talking him or questioning his judgement. He never realized how reckless and idiotic they could be at times and knew he was only going to see more ridiculous things as time went on. For such a harsh world, they were pretty carefree. Jorge, in one sense or another, wished he still retained that mindset and hadn't been so hardened by the world around him.

Throughout the night, the group snuck around the city. Each corner they rounded was more stressful than the last and every noise they heard felt like the end of their lives. When dawn finally broke, all of the Gladers were relieved, but Jorge was the opposite. He was more on edge than ever, leaving no sound or shadow not inspected. The only explanation any of the kids could get out of him was 'this is when the crazies come out.'

Whatever the crazies were, Newt didn't like the sound of them. Obviously, they weren't Cranks. So what were they? All he could assume is that they were the people whose minds were slowly succumbing to the flare, but hadn't passed the tipping point just yet.

"Tired?" Newt walked a little closer to Y/N, his shoulder brushing against hers. He felt Y/N's shoulder rise at his side as she took in a deep breath.

"I think we all are," She stifled a laugh. "Can't do anything about it, though."

"Yeah," Newt agreed half-heartedly. Truth was, there was something they could do about all of this. They could go back to WICKED. If they wanted them so badly, surely they would never do anything bad to them.

In an instant, Newt smacked the side of his head. Y/N reacted violently, reaching up for the arm which had caused the impact on his temple and held it down. "Newt, what the hell?!"

"Sorry," He mumbled in embarrassment. The heat from Y/N's hand felt like it was scalding his arm, her eyes which he knew were locked on his skin burning holes.

Y/N slowly began to relax. "What was that for?"

Newt couldn't meet her eyes. "I was thinking about something stupid. It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does." Y/N whispered harshly, just inches from him. "I don't want you to—"

She didn't have to finish. He knew what she meant. She didn't want him to reach a place again were he felt the world wasn't a place for him, or that he didn't deserve to live. Even though Newt had been doing well since he and Y/N had grown closer together, there were still small pieces of him which were broken. Those fractured parts in his mind and heart caused him to doubt himself and fill to the brim with guilt when it shouldn't happen. Y/N knew that though, and was always on guard.

"It wasn't that," He asserted. "I was just thinking about...maybe—going back? What if that's the right thing to do?"

Y/N slowed her walk, causing a little bit of distance to grow between them and the rest of the group. "They treated us like shit. Put something in our heads which made us feel each others pain. I remember a lot of what they did to us, and none of it was good. We were a lot younger then, so what do you think they'll do to us now?"

Newt winced, shaking his head. "I don't know. Not sure why I even considered that to be an option. It was stupid."

Y/N yet again grabbed hold of his arm. "No, it wasn't. It was selfless. Giving yourself up in hopes they'd find a cure. But, that's why we're going to the Right Arm. They might be able to do the same thing, but through less torture to us."

Newt finally lifted his eyes to meet Y/N's. A small smile painted his features. "Why are you so good to me?"

Y/N pursed her lips. "Because, you're good to me. Plus, our brains are kinda tied together. I'd rather not be on your bad side."

The boy couldn't help but laugh and reach to pull Y/N into a hug. But, his arms never fell around her body. They were knocked out of the air by something hard, causing his forearms to scream in agony. When he finally came to his senses, Y/N was standing there in front of him, but being held back by a man, another at her side with a baseball bat. "Don't make a sound and we won't whack your brains out."

Newt's mouth fell agape. He wanted to scream, but knew he couldn't. Nor was he sure he could actually muster a scream right now. Y/N sent him a harsh, forewarning glare which told him he shouldn't make a single move. Slowly but surely, the men began to back away with their wicked smiles and wild eyes. In that moment, he knew what Jorge had meant by the crazies. How Y/N held a brave face though it all, Newt wasn't sure. But, then again, she never failed to surprise him.

"We'll find you," Newt held his hands out in front of him, slowly backing off cautiously.

"Shut up shrimpy," One of the men laughed. "You won't find us, cause once we get payed out for her, we're gonna be flying our own berg outta this dump."

It was a good thing Y/N was used to running because the crazies took off with her down a narrow corridor, running as fast as they could. They fled the scene like true criminals, but their voices radiated the joy of new millionaires.

Newt's heart was in overdrive. So was his mind. He had to make a decision quick. Run after her now, or get the others. 

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