I Feel It Too

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Newt arrived in the Glade afraid and with no memories other than one thing. A girl. Small images would flicker in his mind every so often, but he could never put the pieces together.

This faded memory of a girl was just one of the many pieces which resulted in his current, broken self.

Newt had days where he felt completely at peace and content, while others he was a silent hurricane of self-loathing. His emotions were unpredictable, volatile and more often than not, physically painful. Extreme changes in his mood truly had no cause, they just happened, almost feeling as if they were outside of himself. Other times, he itched and felt pain for no reason at all.

The blonde boy, who had just been in the Glade for months found himself stripped of hope. Everyday, he woke feeling worse than the last. His heart was heavy and atrophied. Not from its own beating, but from the sheer force of living with so much pain and uncertainty. The unknowns of the future and even his own identity kept him awake night after night.

All of this was what led him here, to one of the tallest, cold, stone walls in the maze. The place was desolate and otherworldly. No noise met his ears other than the dull hollow groans of wind racing through the corridors. Faint wails of grieves in the distance and the shifting of stone. He wouldn't miss this place. He hated it. He hated everything. Including himself at the worst of times. Putting things to an end on his own accord instead of unconsciously living out his life in this godforsaken place was his best option. So, it seemed.

As Newt began his ascent up the wall, pieces on his body began to shoot with pain. It was just like all of the unexplained bouts of pain he felt at times, except they were all happening at once. It felt like he was punching himself, except he wasn't. Bruises appeared on his arms, his scalp burned as if he was trying to rip out his hair, but he kept climbing.

Y/N was on the other end of this situation, left screaming and crying in front of her monitor. She was watching her best friend climb up a wall, his intent very obvious. Her heart was empty and felt like dead weight in her chest. All she could do was punch herself, claw at her skin and hair, trying to make Newt stop. She tried everything. Everything she could in the moment. If she could have burned words into her skin so that he could see them, she would. But she couldn't. Newt was climbing too fast.

This girl in his fractured memory was the last thing Newt thought of before he dropped. Maybe, he'd find out who she is or was in some place other than here.


When he woke, Newt was certain he wasn't dead. The pain in his body was so extreme, it felt as if he was bearing the hurt of two. There was no way it was possible for someone to feel this much pain. Or was it?

To his right, there was a girl. One he'd never seen before. "Who—" Newt croaked.

At the sound, Clint, the Glade's medjack, came racing into the room. He was completely frantic and the look on his face made Newt uneasy. "Who's that?"

Clint looked to the girl and shrugged. "New greenie. Just minutes after she showed up, she was screaming and crying like she was 'bout to die. Weirdly enough, she was able to let me know it felt like her leg was broken and that she'd hit her head or something before she passed out...sounded a lot like the same injuries you have. But, she doesn't have any broken bones or nuthin."

"What kinda klunk are you talking about?" Newt grumbled. He'd tried to take his own life, and now here he was, trying to solve a mystery.

"I dunno, man. I know as much as you do." Clint shrugged. "Guess we'll have to wait till she wakes up. See if she knows anything."

Koev Halev (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now