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Bella smiled as genuinely as she could muster. "It's nice to see you too."

Esme laid a hand on her shoulder and pulled her away from Edward, guiding her further into the living room. Her eyes nervously flickered towards the rest of the Cullens. Her attention was immediately drawn to Emmett and Rosalie who were sitting on the floor, playing a video game. Rosalie was winning if Emmett's angry shouts were anything to go by.

Bella found herself unable to really look away from Rosalie. The blonde had never paid her much attention. Nothing short of glaring if she did decide to notice her. This was the most relaxed state Bella had ever seen her in. Her laughter was deeper than she would have expected. She was almost in awe at the happy smile that graced her lips.

A victorious shout drew her attention towards the other side of the living room where Alice and Jasper sat with a small chess table in between them. Alice had won by the looks of it. She smiled widely as she leaned over the table to pepper Jasper with kisses. Jasper did not look put out in any way by her triumph. Bella quickly looked away when she saw the warm look on his face as he gently stroked the side of her face, bumping his nose against her own. She felt as if she was intruding on something private. Seeing Jasper so loose and happy was also somewhat of a shock as he, along with Rosalie, never paid her much mind unless it was to glower at her.

Alice untangled herself from Jasper and turned towards her.

"Bella!" She shouted happily. Before she could even blink, Alice was in front of her wrapping her cool arms around Bella into a tight hug.

Bella smiled and hugged her back. "Hey."

She couldn't help but glance nervously back towards Jasper. He stayed on the other side of the room but greeted her with a nod. Bella nodded in return.

Alice pulled away, drawing Bella's attention back to her. She couldn't help but be wary at the knowing smile spreading across her face. "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" She asked, confusion coloring her voice.

This only made Alice grin wider which did nothing but further make Bella anxious.

"Alice--" Edward started to warn, but she cut him off with a flick of her wrist.

"This is girl talk, Edward. Stay out of it."

Bella sent an alarmed looked towards her boyfriend, but he could only shrug in response. She glowered at him causing Edward to start laughing and shake his head as he held his hands up in mock surrender. The coward. He'd be no help to her now. Alice was a force to be reckoned with.

"Girl talk about what?" Bella asked cautiously, unsure of where the conversation was going.

Alice playfully knocked her arm. "You know...geez, it couldn't have been that great if you've already forgotten it."

"Hey!" Edward cried out in injustice.

Bella glanced back towards him, only to see the playful grin on his face. She flushed as it suddenly hit her what Alice had been hinting at. She wanted to know more about her and Edward's kiss. Bella was sure her whole face and neck were red by the way Alice was laughing at her, along with everyone else.

              "We'll talk later," she said with a wink. "I want to know everything about that kiss."

              Bella could only shake her head in response. She was sure her face was going to be permanently stained red. She opened her mouth to speak, when the sound off splintering plastic filled the room. All eyes turned flickered to where Emmett and Rosalie were sitting. Rosalie held a crushed playstation controller in her hand. Her dark eyes were trained angrily on Bella as her lips pulled up in a small snarl. Bella instinctively took a step back, her blood freezing with fear. Something blurred in her peripheral and Edward was standing in front of her, his chest rumbling defensively.

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