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"I'm so pumped for this weekend!" Eric exclaimed as he sat down at the lunch table.

Angela and Bella shared amused looks and both he and Tyler started laughing wildly. Even Mike was grinning even wider than usual, if that was even possible. What was going on with these three?

"What's going on this weekend?" She asked, curious to know what all the fuss was about.

Eric flicked his bangs out of his eyes as he said, "It's suppose to be sunny all weekend! We're planning a trip to La Push. Do you wanna come?"

"Does who want to go where?" Jessica asked as she sat down at the table.

"We're planning a trip to La Push," Mike explained. "Eric was asking if Bella wanted to come."

Jessica's eyes flickered towards Bella before landing on Mike. Her shoulders sagged slightly when Mike didn't say anything more.

"I'll go if Jessica and Angela go," Bella said. There was no way she would agree to a trip alone with the three of those guys.

Eric nodded enthusiastically. The more the merrier, he said. Jessica immediately brighter when the others agreed. Even Angela seemed to sit up a little straighter. Bella smiled as she watched her friends.

"But, it'll have to be when I get off work Saturday."

Mike laughed. "Just call in sick. Or tell my mom you want off. I'm sure I could convince her to let you go for the day."

Bella shook her head in response. "Thanks, but money is kinda nice."

Tyler saluted her. "Amen!"

This caused another round of laughter. Bella found herself genuinely grinning along with her friends and welcomed the feeling. She has been feeling so stressed out with the whole Cullen situation lately that she knew she needed some time to relax. Maybe she could even invite Jacob. She hadn't seen him since their fathers fought a couple weeks ago. It would be nice to see him again.

Later that evening, Bella felt her good mood vanish at the sight of Edward Cullen standing in one of the isles at her work. She froze when she saw him chatting with Emmett. Bella quickly turned around and walked in the opposite direction. Maybe they hadn't seen her. Her hopes were quickly dashed she she heard Emmett's booming voice call out,

"Swan! Over here."

Bella winced as she slowly turned around. Emmett was towing a very moody Edward after him. She tried to put on a smile as they came closer She was at work after all.

"What can I help you with?" Her eyes strayed towards Edward as she spoke. They briefly made eye contact before he looked away.

"Well," Emmett said, pulling her attention onto him. "We were looking to get a couple on tents. Eddie and I are going camping this weekend."

He said this with a wide grin. Bella fought off a smile as she watched Edward glare daggers at Emmett. When he caught Bella's eye, he simply huffed and looked away once more. Although she could swear she saw his lips were twitching as well.

"What kind were you thinking on buying?"

Bella led them into a different isle where they sold most of their tents.

"Two of the single persons tents. I'm trying to teach Eddie that he doesn't need to be afraid of the dark and can sleep in his own tent this time. I mean, he's seventeen already."

Bella couldn't hold in her laughter as Edward punched Emmett in the shoulder and then the back as he tried to twist away. Emmett's laughter echoed loudly around them as he disappeared around the corner. Edward continued to glare in that direction before turning towards her. He bore a sheepish expression as he clenched his fist together. She found the sight both surprising and pitiful. She had never seen him look so embarrassed before.

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