Chapter 2: Helping Hands

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America opened the door to his house, light flooding in the doorway as he switched the light on. Italy peeked from the doorway, his mouth in a small 'o'.

The Italian male then went inside the house, marvelling at the tidiness and simplicity. The only messy place was the couch, where there were a few pillows and papers scattered about.

"I hope it's not too shabby." Alfred said lightly, appearing behind the Italian, a small smile on his face. Feliciano turned to him, an even wider smile on his face. "It's actually very nice, ve~!" The brunette said as he sank down on the couch's soft material.

America smiled and set down his belongings on the table. The American then went over to the kitchen to look for food to cook for dinner as the Italian helped himself to his home.

Feliciano nuzzled the soft material of the couch pillow into his face, the faint scent of Alfred lingering in it. The brunette male blushed and pressed it closer, sniffing the scent. Italy had to admit, America smelled quite good...

What are you thinking! The bubbly male thought flusteredly as he set the pillow down, fanning his pink face.

Feliciano was quite embarassed that he had arrived in his friend's house and proceeded to sniff his couch! "Talk about weird..." Italy mumbled.

The male then heard a small crash in the kitchen before it was followed by the sound of metal and glass falling to the floor. The sound was shrill and Feliciano found himself immediately bolting to the source, worried about his friend.

"Alfred-a?!" He exclaimed as he arrived, gasping as he did so.

Alfred was leaning against the counter, shattered glasses around his feet. Knives and spoons were everywhere. The blonde American's shoulders were shaking and Feliciano could clearly see the blood dripping out of the male's injured hand.

America had turned as he heard the gasp, his eyes red and teary. He immediately wiped them away though, a small wince leaving his mouth.

"H-Hey Feli..." he mumbled quietly before the Italian male stormed over and hugged him tightly.

"Alfred-a! What happened to-a you?! You're-a bleeding! You should be-a more careful!" The male babbled as he desperately tried to stop the bleeding with the white towel he found. America was comepletely frozen, his body rigid. The kitchen was silent except for Feli's constant rambling.

Italy peered up at him when he had finished bandaging, his eyes soft. "What happened-a?" He asked gently, lightly squeezing Alfred's uninjured hand.

America found himself look down the floor as he spoke. "I...was just trying to reach for something on the cabinets but I accidentally slipped and fell, bringing the untensils dowm with me..." the blonde said quietly. "...I'm sorry Feli. I'm such a fuck up. I can't do anything right."

Italy's heart tightened as he heard those words. He dropped the male's hands to grab his face and softly lift it up. There were small tears in the corner of Alfred's eyes. His once lovely cheerful blues tainted with sadness.

"Don't say that-a." Feliciano said as he nuzzled the American's cheek. "It was-a an accident. Accidents-a happen all the time-a." The Italian's voice was soothing and soft. "Don't-a say those things about yourself-a. You are a very-a wonderful country and friend-a! Don't let little accidents define who you are."

Alfred sniffled, wiping his tears away with his sleeve. Why was Italy so nice to him? Why did it make him cry? "Thanks, Feli." He said, a small grateful smile spreading on his face. "You're a very wonderful friend too."

A soft warm feeling spread in Italy's heart. The brunette pulled away gently, a soft giggling emitting from his mouth. "Aw, Alfred-a! No problema~! I'll just take care of the kitchen for you-a?"

Alfred tried to protest, about to say he could do it himself but Feli's pout made him stop. The blonde hesistated before sighing. "Why...? I can take care of it myself...It's not hard, really."

His bubbly friend wagged his finger at him. "Now, now-a! You are injured! You must rest-a so you will he happy and not die." Feli teared up. "VEEEEHHH!!! ALFREEDDD!DONT DIEE!!!!" He wailed, clinging on to the taller male's shirt.

A laugh escaped Alfred's mouth. "Of course I wont. Fine, I'll wait in the living room, okay?" He hummed, patting his friend's head. Feli giggled and hugged him tighter.

"Oh, and also, I'm cooking dinner~!"

(A/N: oh wow! People actually read this! Wow! Thank you guys! I feel so happy! Here's a little fluffy chapter for y'all as a gift! And don't worry, update's coming soon~! ♡♡♡ )

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