Time to Leave

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Auto's POV

"Auto, we gotta go. Come on girl. It's gonna be a long drive. And I know you hate sitting for a long time." My brother Johnny yelled from the bottom of the stairs. This was the only time we could leave today, while there was still sun out.

"I'm comin'," I yelled from my bedroom, "Don't get your panties in a twist, you idiot," I mumbled under my breath. As I was walking out my bedroom door, I turned to look at my teal colored walls, and everything that I had to leave behind.

I grew up in a somewhat not so great place. Well actually, it sucked. It's kind of the reason I have to leave now. My mom died 3 years after giving birth to me of cancer. She wasn't gonna stop until she got a little girl. Well she got a little girl. But that little girl didn't really get a mother. After that, my dad tried to take care of me and my 7 older brothers. Johnny was the oldest, then Carter, then Blake and Benjamin who were twins. After that was Matthew, then Daniel and Derek who were twins also. Then me. When I turned 6 and my oldest brother, Johnny, turned 13, my dad got into a car accident. Now I had neither of my parents

My brothers started working more. Making sure I had food and clothes. They taught me how to work on cars, and fight, and drive. Why? I don't know. But they started getting into a lot of trouble. One by one, they all started dying. One of a car accident. Three by a gun after hanging with the wrong people. One by racing. And one by drugs. Now I have one brother left.

Because Johnny was 13 when my dad died, we had to move in with my Uncle Dave's. I don't know why, because he was a drunk. An abusive drunk at that. Country music taught me how a man should treat a lady. I guess that was a lie too. Now me and Johnny are busting out of our house before Uncle Dave comes back from the bar.

I ran down stairs with my bags in my hand and handed them to Johnny. He threw them in the bed of his truck and we took off down the road. We lived in Jackson, Tennessee about 2 hours from Nashville.

"Alright Auto. No pranks. I don't care how bored you get. No. Pranks. You hear me?" Johnny asked while still looking at the road in front of him.

"You just have to take all the fun away don't ya?" I asked with a smirk. I looked over at him to see him smirking to himself. He knew I was one to prank anything walking because I thought it was fun. But hey, you trying growing up with 7 brothers. You're gonna learn to be a little mischievous at some point, right

I plugged in my phone and started to sing along to If you want a bad boy by Brantley Gilbert.

"You definitely got momma's voice. Momma was the only woman I know who really sounded like an angel," Johnny said as he looked at me with a smile. "Her voice and her temper." He said with a laugh. I laughed with him as   I looked out the window.

"Hey Johnny?" I asked as I looked at Johnny, "How far away are we from the next stop. I gotta pee really bad." He looked at me with his eyebrow cocked in the air with a "are you serious" look.

"Baby girl, really?" He said. "Can you hold it for 10 minutes. We will stop at the next gas station in Nashville, okay?"

"Kay. Thank you." That 10 minutes was the longest 10 minutes of my life. Holy crap. I have to pee now. We pulled up to the gas station and before I hopped out of the truck Johnny told me to give anybody hell if they tried to mess with me in the bathroom. I never realized that I should have stayed with him and gave him that advise too.

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