Southern Sassy Sweetie

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Auto's POV

"Let's do this." I said to myself as I stepped out of my trailer on my way into the stadium. I felt cute and ready to party. As soon as I got close to the side stage, all three of the girls did a cat call whistle making me smile. I put a little more shake in my hips as I walked closer and lifted my hands with my palms facing upward.

"Dang, you look good!" Caroline said. "Oliver should be here pretty quickly." She said raising her eyebrows up and down quickly with a smirk. I lightly slapped her shoulder blushing.

"Yeah, well nothing better happen tonight after he sees you." Brantley said walking towards us with Luke to his left.

"Better not be." Luke said agreeing with Brantley.

"It won't. I promise." I said. "Now, I'm ready to get this party started!" I yelled making everyone laugh.

"Well then," Dan said, "what songs have you picked to sing tonight?"

"Hell on heels by the Pistol Annies, Trouble by Gloriana, and Sun Wagon by the Dixie Chicks." The girls whooped and hollered when I named the songs off causing the guys to chuckle.

"Well, looks like a fun side is coming out tonight, huh?" Oliver said from behind me scaring me a little bit.

"Yes. Yes it is." I said smiling widely.

"Well then, you want to go on after the opening act?" Dan asked.

"Sure." I replied. 

The opening act for everyone clapping and screaming. I was starting to get a little nervous.

"Go get em you Southern sassy sweetie." Oliver said from behind me smacking me on my butt as he passed making me giggle.

"Hey!" Luke hollered, "No PDA allowed." Making me laugh loudly.

Finally it was my turn. As soon as I got on stage, the crowd started screaming.

"Y'all ready!" I screamed into my mic. I got loud screams in return. "Are you sure. Y'all sound quiet." I said. "Let's try this again. Y'all ready for this?" I screamed louder gaining a roar of screams and claps in return making me smile. "There it is. Alright, I'm gonna start of a little slow, then pick it up a little. So let's do this." I nodded my head to signal for the band to start Hell on heels. As soon as it started, people starting screaming and clapping recognizing the song.

I'm hell on heels
Say what you will
I've done made the devil a deal
He made me pretty
He made me smart
And I'm going to break me a million hearts
I'm hell on heels, baby I'm comin' for you

This diamond ring on my hand
Is the only good thing that came from that man
Got a GTO from one named Joe
And a big piece of land down in Mexico
I'm hell on heels, baby I'm comin' for you

I got a pink guitar, a Lincoln Town Car
From ol' what's his name I met at a bar
Got a high-rise flat in Hollywood
From a married man who wasn't up to no good
I'm hell on heels, baby I'm comin' for you

Then there's Jim, I almost forgot
I ran him off, but I took the yacht
Poor ol' Billy, bless his heart
I'm still using his credit card
I'm hell on heels, Sugar Daddy I'm comin' for you

I'm hell on heels, say what you will
I've done made the devil a deal
He made me pretty
He made me smart
And I'm gonna break me a million hearts
I'm hell on heels baby I'm comin' for you

Bumpy Roads Lead to Beautiful Destinationsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें