Am I Sick?

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Oliver's POV

The last few weeks have been awesome. Kylie has been super happy lately. But now she has been sick. She's been throwing up and been seeming super upset. We get back on the road in a week, so I'm just hoping that she gets better. I know she loves to perform, so just thinking about what her face would look like when everyone leaves to finish the tour without her. The tour finishes in 2 months and the CMT awards are in 2 1/2. Hopefully she gets better.

Amber's POV

I've been watching Kylie lately. I'm starting to think that she's not sick. Because she's been moody too. I know that Oliver is nervous for her too, but I think he's about to be a little more than just nervous. I just got back from the drug store a few minutes ago and I'm heading up to Kylie's room now.

"Hey sweetie," I said sweetly. "Can you come to the bathroom super quickly?"

"Yeah." She slowly got up and held her stomach to follow me to the bathroom. I bought a pregnancy test at the drug store because I'm pretty sure that she isn't sick.

"So. I know that you and Oliver got a little crazy a few weeks ago. It's been about 4 1/2 weeks since you've both gotten together that night. I don't think you're sick honey." I pulled out the pregnancy box to show her.

"Wait. Do you really think so?" She asked me looking a little scared.

"Yeah, I think so. But this is just to make sure. I'll wait for you out here, and when you get a reading, you can tell me." I said as I walked out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom to sit on her bed to wait.

Auto's POV

I was nervous to try this. But I did it anyway just to make sure. I read the instructions and did what I was suppose to do. Once I finished, I set the test in the sink and went to get Amber.

"I just did it. I haven't got a reading yet, but I want you to be in there with me." She smiled and stood up to follow me. When we got back to the bathroom, we waited for a few minutes before the reading came on.

"Two bars, sweetie. You're pregnant!" She said cautiously, even though I could tell she was excited. I started to get a little excited knowing that I would always have them right beside me.

"Oh my goodness." I said putting my hands over my mouth and starting to cry. "I'm gonna be a mom!" I hugged Amber tightly.

"I'm gonna be a grandma." Amber said excitedly. "Do you want to have a dinner to tell everyone?"

"Yeah. If we can tonight with Mama Becky, us, Luke, Caroline, Jason, and Brittany. But first, I want to tell Oliver."

"Okay. I'll wait in the kitchen and text everyone about tonight. You tell Oliver." She hugged me one last time before following me down stairs. I took a deep breath and called Oliver.

"Olly? Can I talk to you?"

"Coming." He came around the corner from the kitchen. Naturally he was eating. "Hey Princess. Shouldn't you be in bed getting some rest." He said while rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

"Well, that's the thing. I'm not sick." He looked at me like I had grown two heads. I took another breath.

"Whatever it is Princess, you can tell me."

"I'm sick but only for a few days. It's a side affect." I took another deep breath. "Olly. I'm pregnant." I looked at his eyes trying to read what he was thinking. I thought that maybe he was gonna be mad and not want to deal with me. But I was wrong. He looked at men with tears in his eyes.

"You mean. I'm gonna be a dad?" I nodded and he hugged me. He got down on his knees and put his hand on my stomach. "Hi baby, I'm your daddy." I started laughing.

"Hun, it doesn't have ears yet."

"I don't care. It now knows I'm his dad." I laughed again. He stood up and kissed me passionately. Now I just have to tell the guys.

As soon as 6 o'clock rolled around, so did everyone's tires. I heard everyone's truck roll up into the driveway. The guys were either fishing, or writing a new song. They just went to pick up their wives before they got here. Brantley came with Jason since they were hanging out after writing a song. And as soon as I saw the guys walk through the door, I instantly got butterflies. This is either gonna go really well, or really bad. A few minutes later after saying hi to everyone, and the grill got started, Mama Becky came in. I ran up and have her a big hug, happy to see her.

After everyone got their dinner and we were all sitting around the campfire, I stood up and cleared my throat trying to get everyone's attention.

"Hey y'all. So there was a meaning for this dinner. And it's gonna be a little shocking." I looked around and cleared my throat again, stalling so I could find the words to say. "So Amber know this, and Oliver knows this, but the rest don't. Umm, so I found out I'm not sick with the flu, or the cold, or food poisoning. I actually, umm. I'm actually pregnant." Luke started choking on his beer, Brantley started coughing after swallowing his whiskey down the wrong pipe, and Jason looked like he was about to pass out. Caroline and Brittany yelled I knew it at the same time, and Mama Becky came over and slapped Oliver up side the head. Well that wasn't the outcome I was thinking of.

After everyone calmed down, I looked at everyone to see their next reaction.

"I don't whether I should be happy," Luke started.

"Or if I should beat Oliver," Brantley finished. I looked over at the both of them with a scowl. Mama Becky came over and hit Brantley and Luke upside the head.

"Y'all should be happy for her. Brantley. You're gonna be a grandpa. And Luke. You're gonna be a great uncle. And I get a great grandchild. Be happy and thankful. And help this child."

"Yes, momma." Brantley said. She nodded her head and sat back down.

"I got an appointment tomorrow to go the doctor to see if everything is going well. I'll let you all know how it goes. Oh, and I'm still going on tour. That's not changing and no arguments about it either." I said pointing around. "Now carry on." I said chuckling. That night was crazy after that. But around 11:30, Oliver had to pick me up and carry me off to bed. I'd say tonight was pretty well.

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