A Run for Their Money

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Brantley's POV

I talked to the manager of the tour and asked to see if it would be okay if Kylie went out to sing. I showed a video of her singing to the manager and he said that it would be awesome if she went out there and performed. But only if she could under pressure of everyone out there. Well, let's see.

I walked up to Kylie's trailer door and knocked. "Hey Kylie, it's Brantley. I'm coming in. Hey Kylie, so I talked to the manager and he said that as long as you are okay under pressure, you can sing tonight if you want. Since this is the first show, and if you do good, you can sing at every show with me on the tour." He whole face lit up and a huge smile came on to her lips. She started jumping up and down.

"Yes, yes, yes, of course I will do it. But I want to pick out my own clothes. And my makeup. This I gonna be awesome!!!" I laughed watching her. I felt happy knowing that she was moving on. I was still mad at whoever was in her nightmare a few nights ago. She haven't opened up about it yet, and I wasn't gonna push it either. I was just mad still.

"Okay sure, I'll go let everyone know. Meet us by the side stage in 2 hours and tell us the song that your gonna do."

"Okay thank you so much." She said with a giggle. I turned around and got off the bus.

Auto's POV

As soon as he left, I tried to calm myself down. I decided that I was gonna wear a little more makeup no matter what Brantley said about it. I had to have a little fun, right? Alright. Let's get down to business.

I pulled out my phone and connected it to my phone and pressed shuffle. The first song was gunpowder and lead by Miranda Lambert. I grabbed my towel and took a shower. 5 minutes later, I hoped out and dried off. I know Texas has some really cute boys so I'm gonna dress up a bit. Don't tell the guys. They will flip.

I grabbed my hair dryer and started drying my hair. After that I curled it to put in some light waves and threw it up in a sassy ponytail. Then started on my makeup. I put on moisturizer and started on my eyes. It took me 10 minutes to a Smokey eye that Caroline taught me a few weeks ago. Then did my foundation, blush, and pink lipgloss. Finally, I put on my clothes. I put on my favorite tank shirt that says Gun Safety Rule #1 Don't Piss Off The Girl Holding The Gun and my favorite black pair of shorts. Then added my cowgirl boots. I took a lot in my mirror and though I looked good.

 The song Fastest Girl in Town by Miranda Lambert started playing and I knew I was gonna sing that song

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The song Fastest Girl in Town by Miranda Lambert started playing and I knew I was gonna sing that song. Dan, the manager, texted me to let me know that I needed to meet them side stage in 10 minutes with 3 songs picked out. Well, I have two now. I'm gonna do Gunpowder and Lead and Fastest Girl in Town both by Miranda Lambert. Then I thought might as well do my momma's favorite. Here for the Party by Gretchen Wilson.

I walked out of my trailer and locked the door. It took me 5 minutes to walk to the stadium and find the stage. It was 30 minutes before the show and it was packed. I was super excited. We were in Auston, Texas tonight and tomorrow night and I was super excited. I found PJ and asked him where all the guys were. He pointed to his right and they were all standing there talking getting their mics and stuff on before the went on. It was Brantley, Ben, Luke, Jason, Thomas Rhett, and Justin Moore. Justin Moore I heard was opening for us. Luke was the first one to notice me.

"Hell to the no," Luke said causing everyone to look up at me. "You are not wearing those shorts on stage. And did my wife teach you that eye makeup stuff?"

"Yes I am going up there like this, and yes she did. A few weeks before we left." I said back. Brantley just shook his head with his arms crossed. I matched his stance with a smirk on my face and my eyebrow cocked. Amber came behind dad and smacked him in the arm.

"She looks amazing." Amber said. I ran up and have her a hug.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here." I said excitedly.

"Brantley told me that you were performing tonight so I caught the first flight here. You're gonna be great sweetie."


"Alright Justin," Dan said, "you're up. Oh Kylie, what songs are you doing?"

"Gunpowder and Lead, Fastest Girl in Town, and Here for the Party!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah! That's my girl!" Caroline yelled walking past Luke to give a hug. I just laughed.

The night was awesome. At the end, before I got on, Brantley, Luke and Jason went up on stage to talk before I went up.

"Alright y'all, we got a surprise for y'all. There is a new girl in the house. Her name is Kylie. And she is awesome." Luke yelled into the microphone. The crowd roared with enthusiasm.

"She may be a little shy so give her some love. But she has a wild side which I think y'all will see tonight." Jason said.

"This Girl is like a daughter to me and Amber and a niece to the guys and their wives. She has been through a lot. And her life has been just a mess of grief and anger. We met her actually about 9 months ago at a gas station when something bad happened and we all kind of adopted her. So give it up for Kylie Miller!" Brantley yelled in the microphone. The crowd went crazy and got even louder once I stepped on stage. There were a few cat calls and I laughed a little bit. I could really only see the first few rows because of the lights. I'm gonna give these boys a run for their money. Man I hope this goes okay.

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