I walk into the house, as the scented familiar smell of the house filled my nostrils. I smile, remembering back to the scene where Julian's mother gasped at the sight of me. Julian closes the door after I entered.

"Do you want something to change from?" Julian asks, coming around.

"Yes, please," I shivered, arms went to my side as I wrap my hands together. He nods, heading upstairs as the familiar hard footsteps hit the wood. I took off my shoes, taking in the appearance of the house once more.

Moments pass and the footsteps return. I look up and notice Julian changed into a tee shirt with the same pants and holding an orange hoodie in his hands. Before he touches the last step, he throws the hoodie at me.

Thanks to swim, and all the times Kenji throws a pillow in my direction; I caught the hoodie with ease. "The bathroom is over there—"

"It's okay, I can change here," I place the hoodie on one arm, beginning to pull the wet tee over my head, changing arm, I drop my shirt on the floor. I pull the hoodie over my head, and notice that the hoodie drops down to my thighs. The scent reminded me of Julian and I concluded this to be his. It was enough to cover the shorts, and I decide to slip off the shorts too.

Once I finish, I pick up my wet articles and turn to Julian—whos lips parted like a fish. "Do you have like a plastic bag I can put this in?"

"Actually," Julian comes down and picks the wet clothes out of my hands. "I'll throw it into the dryer, and I'll give it to you later, good?"

I shifted my weight to my other leg, "I don't know, I don't want to—"

"It's okay," Julian takes himself back to the second floor before returning with my clothes no where to be seen and a stack of notes in one hand. It definitely got bigger. However, instead of just one stacks of notecards, there were two. The second one, incredibly large compared to the first one.

"What's that?" I ask, my mouth hanging low as I examine the notes in his hand. "I thought its only been a few months, why is there so much?"

"This one," he holds out the larger stack, "is the ones I received during middle school."

My eyes widen at them, and noticing the familiar handwriting of my own within the cards. He had them bundled together with a rubber band strapped around them. "I only brought down some; there are others in my room but I hid them somewhere and I don't remember where."

"Why'd you hid them?" I ask, as he doesn't open his mouth to answer.

"Let's move over to the living room," he begins to pace himself over to the living room, as I drag my legs and follow behind him. Less wet, and more warm with the exception of my legs, the hoodie was doing fairly well.

I take my seat over on the floor, my favourite spot.

Julian chuckles, sliding himself down to my level as well. He place the stacks of notes on the coffee table, removing the rubber band on the first one and begin to scatter them all over the coffee table.

"I'm thinking. Since the notes weren't helping as much, and we've lead to a dead end with Erin. I think we should use the notes from middle. Since they're the same people, right?" He finishes off, propping a rhetorical question.

"NO!" I replied without a second thought, my sudden burst took Julian off by surprise. I covered it up with a cough, as Julian stares at me in shock, "I mean they aren't the same person obviously," I point to my notes, "this one has a straighter handwriting."

"Really?" Julian furrow his brows, "I thought they were the same. You know, when you get older, your handwriting changes."

"That's because you aren't looking hard enough, it's obvious. Plus, the one in middle school had better handwriting."

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