
I'm going to check the mail when someone cuts my way.
-Did you get anything? I look up and I can't believe what I see. In front of me sits a guy, tall and so handsome; the most beautiful boy I've ever seen: cheekbones seemed shaped by gods, pinkish inviting lips, and eyes like those of Hawk, agile and piercing, in a way that make you think that they can see with a glance even your thoughts. The chest that looks carved from the stone is framed by wide shoulders from which it lowers the strong arms that make you want to nest at their shelter. 
-Huh, It seems that I got something. 
He smiles at me and grabs my hand tender.
-Come quickly, soon it will begin.
-What begins? I ask him puzzled
-The movie. Did you forget?
-Uh, no. I did not forget.
The movie? What movie? I wonder in my own mind.
Taken as from a pot, I climb in a luxurious car detached from the movies and we start with force. We enter cinema and sit in places. We arrived just in time, and the film turns out to be sensational ever from the first few minutes even though I can't figure out what it is about, no matter how hard I try, which is strange. About at the middle of the movie I feel his hand creeping through my back, around my shoulders and encompassing me by bringing me to his chest. So eagerly I waited for this moment, as I wait for Christmas year after year. It's so cozy and warm.  I sit there for a few minutes and then I lift my head to look at him and it delights me again and our eyes meet. Although is of divine beauty, his face seems familiar, also his eyes and the way he looks at me, but right now, that glance makes me forget about myself and it dissolves my thoughts.  But no one has ever done this to me with just one look. Taking advantage of the fact that I froze by the fascination for him, he approaches his mouth to mine and kisses me sweetly.
-I love you! and after I said it, I realize it. But his kiss simply got me drunk.
-And I love you too! we'll be so happy together. It's all I've ever wanted my princess! I'm not good with words and I don't mean things that sound good or make vows that no one can respect but I can promise you one thing: I'll take care of your heart, he answers me in a warm, familiar voice.
I feel so happy, I can't believe what's going on. I feel like we've known each other a lifetime and that he's my soul mate who blends in with mine for eternity.  Immediately after that, the movie ends and we rise from our places preparing to leave. When we make our way out, we're heading at an rusty old car waiting for us in front. 'Car' is actually a little too much said. It's more like a piece of junk that's kind of like the thing Matt's driving. I was climbing in it, but this time, I'm not ashamed of the way the car looks and I'm not afraid to see anyone I know, as it was every time that Matt offered me to go to school with his car, even though they both seem to be one and the same car , which is pretty weird.
But I am so happy that this is simply unimportant, which surprises me like all the happiness I feel has changed me instantly. And I see things with other eyes, so the car is a minor detail.
We get home as you clap. After I get out of the car and I see the house in front of me, somehow I know we're at home, our home. But it doesn't look like any of the beach houses I cut off from magazines, which I've always wanted. I sit in front of a small, simple house.  But as soon as I pass the threshold, I have a warmth and safety feeling as the way I felt when I was little and I snuck into the bed of mom and dad because I had a bad dream. Everything is perfect at it because it's our nest, our safe haven. I never thought I'd think like that about a house(especially of this kind) but this feeling of fulfillment is enjoying me exceedingly and I feel the need to squeeze him in my arms. I'm looking at the left and right, but it's not to be found, so I'm heading for the living room. I don't even enter well that I am stepping on something dry that feels like it's crummy beneath my soles, like the dry autumn leaves and it is stretching to the corner of the room. I look in there but I can't see anything because of the darkness in which it is immersed, so I follow what begins to resemble the skin shedded by snake. As I get closer to the corner the skin becomes wider and begins to have the shape of a human body. At the end of it is curled someone who seems to have just shedded away that skin and now has the body empty and vulnerable. When I get next to him it rises to the head of the bones and I can recognize the face. It's a familiar face, sweet and gentle, above of a fragile, weak body. It's actually Matt.
-It broke and fell down. I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to be happy with me, to love me like I love you, he's telling me with his eyes drowning in tears
-What fell? I don't understand, and I come back to take another look at that skin, and then I realize...
-Lord! Matty, you didn't have to pretend being someone else for me to love you!
-But you were enchanted by that ' I ' perfect, not this one, and when he says 'this' he shows himself with a gesture that betrays disappointment.
-Off Baby, you're perfect just the way you are. Before it was just a coat, that was all. It was still you.  Yes, I was attracted by appearance but that only drove me to your soul and that’s the one I love, not a mask.


The phone is ringing. I open my eyes and find myself in the dark, only the phone is visible and still ringing, I pick it up from the nightstand to see who calls me < call from Harlem > I drag and answer:
-Gorgeous are you in the mood for going out tonight?
-Tonight? I ask, being taken unprepared.
-Only if your mommy lets you ha ha. We go in the club a little, what do you say?
-OK, I just have to prepare myself.
-I'll come in about an hour to get you. Make yourself sexy for me.
-Sure, comes my answer and I feel how I get all blushy.
-K, see ya soon!
-Okay bye!
I'm arranging like never before to look good around the popular Harlem, and after an hour I hear the horn of the car calling me.
I step down stealthy on the stairs so that mom and dad which are sitting in the living room watching TV will not hear me. I open silently the door like a true ninja and I manage to get out without any incident. As soon as I see myself out of the house I take it at a quick step, but right when I got close to the car pops up Matt.
-Hey, Monica!
-Matt! I answer a little crisped because of the dream.
-I was just coming to you. Wow! You're... I mean, you look great, Matt complements me, puzzling.
-Something happened? I ask him as if I did not heard the last part of what he just said.
-I just wanted to call you for a walk. Not far away as it's already dark and not to make your parents worry.
-Right now I have some plans, and I point too the Mercedes from which the music is playing loudly, that was waiting for me.
-I do understand..... and about the movie tomorrow, you changed your mind?
-Come on, Monica!! Don't waste any more time with that loser. We have a club awaiting for us, yells Harlem from the car.
-Hey loser! a chicken Burger here! it seems the only meat you do have, is heard another voice from the car followed by mocking laughters and clucks.
Matt buries his head down and says nothing. Even if would say something good enough to shut them up would be for the worse for him, as it was so many times when he responded. He was beaten and his things were stolen or discarded by Harlem and his gang so many times that he had learned that it was best to ignore and not give them any more sense, as much as he could.
-Look what it is Matt... I stumble for a moment remembering the dream I had and the Matt from the dream. But this is the real world not a dream. So I come to my senses after a few moments.
You and I, it's never going to happen! Stop insisting, please! There's no point in getting your hopes up and I enter in the car.
...After all, it was just a dream, A strange and meaningless one...

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