"Do you follow them on Instagram? I want to stalk them." Niall looked at me as if I had grown two heads; I knew he was judging my choices severely, but I couldn't care less.

"Dude, have you been watching some shitty Kardashians reality show or something? Since when do you stalk people on Instagram?" I ignored his question, silently thanking him for handing me his phone. I had never seen Sienna's photos before, since they were private, but much to my dismay there was no indication of her trip. The last post was one of her and Niall inside her house. My next target was Arthur, even though I followed him. There was nothing new, but unlike Sienna or Charlie his disappearance was odd.

That man was a social influencer as Charlie once said to make fun of him; an entire week away from media interaction was completely unlike him. The longer I stared at his profile the more I felt like I was missing something crucial, something big. I handed back Niall's phone and he looked at me with concern clear in his eyes.

"I have something to tell you, even though Sienna will probably kill me once they come back." I was eager for more information and I could sense Niall had been keeping a big secret. I thought about Sienna hitting him with some fluffy pillow or perhaps throwing some ridiculously expensive pair of shoes at him. I wanted to laugh but it felt inappropriate.

"Do you remember last week when we all met up in my house?" he asked and I nodded, remembering the hot sex I had with Charlotte inside his living room. I missed her despite my better judgment.

"By the way, fuck you for using my house as a motel." I shrugged, unfazed.

"Well, Sienna told you there was this car following her, didn't she?" I nodded along, remembering how weird the entire story sounded; above that, Charlotte seemed nonchalant about it, as if some creep accompanying her sister's moves wasn't enough motive to call the police or be freaked out.

I hadn't paid enough attention to it because I was still whipped about having her as my girlfriend, but inside my room with Niall beside me I noticed how bizarre the entire situation had been.

"Was it true?" I questioned, paranoid that Sienna would be a liar too.

"Yeah, but not like Sienna made it seem. She told me there was indeed a man following them, but he was stalking Charlotte, not her." I widened my eyes at the new information, surprised that she'd keep something like that from me. My first thought was that Oliver could be the one doing it, but I knew that was not the case. Somehow I had a sense the situation had been going on for longer than what they led on.

"The night of my attack, she kept apologising, saying it was her fault or some shit." The weird things I brushed aside started to make sense, even though I still couldn't see the bigger picture. For once I was not mad about the lies, I was scared.

"Sienna didn't give much away, but I think this has been going on for a while. You should see their security system, Harry. I swear to God it's like they asked for MI6's help." I had been to the house and I noticed how Charlie had somewhat an obsession with locking the doors and typing the codes immediately.

"Do you think she is endangered?" I said, fear settling in the pit of my stomach.

"Yes, but not in the way you think." He explained.

"What do you mean?" I countered back, wondering what Niall would say next.

"The last thing Sienna said was that this trip could change everything regarding this situation and that is why I shouldn't tell you about it, not unless she allowed me." I rose an eyebrow at his words, wondering if they actually meant what I thought they did.

"Are you telling me this stalker shit has something to do with me?" I scoffed in disbelief. "And why the fuck would they need to go to Scotland to fix it?"

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