"Trey?" Jordyn said as she looked up and followed my line of sight, "Trey? Is that you?" 

Trey looked concerned and cautiously stepped forward, "Yeah... Yeah Jord it's me. I'm sor-" he went to apologise before she jumped up and fell into his arms. "He's gone Trey." she murmured over and over whilst he moved his hand up and down her back to comfort her, "I know Gorgeous I know. I'm so sorry you don't remember." 

Jordyn looked up to him with eyes that looked so broken that I watched Trey's water at the sight of them, "Remember what?" 

Trey held her closely to him and began to try and explain. He didn't mention the past month, he didn't talk about Chase Jackson and he didn't talk about her getting stabbed. Most importantly he didn't say anything about the twins or the fact that they were living together. He was speaking to her like I imagine Trey Crossfire, her friend, would talk to her, rather than the man that loved her more than words themselves. I looked up to Magnus for the comfort I needed, I couldn't imagine a world not loving him. 


This week has proven one of the most difficult weeks of my life. I was now sat beside my daughter and son's cribs with their tiny hands clutching onto my finger and I saw the only two things going right in my life right now. 

I'd managed to encourage Jordyn that the Lightwoods were her biological family, and that they weren't going to hurt her. It took some convincing but she eventually settled, and I also settled, finding comfort in the idea that she still knew who I was. She was still my Jordyn at heart I just needed to give her mind time to catch up again, and I would do exactly that. But to say it's been difficult would be a great understatement. Yet again I'd lost her. 

I hadn't eaten in days, and I barely drank the constant cups of coffee being pushed my way by Clary and Izzy, so I was considerably exhausted. But seeing her eyes begin to flutter open filled me with so much hope that I thought finally everything would go back to normal. Unluckily for me however, the universe doesn't like giving me what I want first time around. When she woke up and looked at me so blankly, so without compassion and care, I should've known there was something wrong. The sudden jerking of her hand from my own and the repetitive "Who the fuck are you?!" made everything more obvious. She didn't recognise me. 

I almost jumped when I realised that she was leaning in the doorway. She laughed quietly at the sudden scare and quickly resorted back to her grief, "Alec is it? My twin brother? Anyway, he told me you'd be in here. That you spend every night here?" she asked confused before her eyes fell to the two angels sleeping peacefully beside me. She cleared her throat and looked immediately uncomfortable. "Why didn't you tell me that I have two newborns? With you? Kind of important information don't you think?"

"You don't remember the past year, you were grieving your family and Dawson... I guess I didn't want to add to your upset." 

"Why would I be upset?" she asked intrigued, "I always sort of had a thing for you, you knew that much." 

"And I love you, Jordyn. You told me the same. I didn't want to hear you tell me I was making it all up. I didn't want to accept that things have gone back to how they used to be." 

"And how exactly did they used to be?" she challenged, hesitantly moving closer to me and the twins. 

"One sided. Because you don't remember loving me." 

The silence plagued the room as Isabella started to cry, perfect timing, just like her mother. I looked to Jordyn before picking the baby up and cradling her like she were as fragile as thin glass. I watched as Jordyn walked towards Dawson's crib and she smiled as opened his eyes, most likely disturbed by his sister's cries.

"What's his name?" she asked as she stroked the little boy's tiny chest. I smiled widely and spoke up from over the tiny baby I held close to my heart. "Dawson Alexander Crossfire." I said and watched for her reaction. 

She let a single tear fall and I was so tempted to wipe it away, away with every bad thing that she's had to deal with. "It's beautiful." she said. 

"I'm glad you approve." 

"And the girl?" she asked, now watching me hold Isabella. "Isabella Clarissa Crossfire. She's named after-" 

"Clary and Izzy. I know right now I've only known them an hour but I see why I love them so much." 

I watched her still hesitantly soothing Dawson, who was now wide awake. "You can pick him up you know? He's your son after all." I said and waited for her to show some sign of acknowledgement. She slowly reached down and held him close to her chest, fearing dropping him I presume, she looked up to double check that she was okay and I nodded sweetly at the beautiful sight in front of me. She was a natural, I knew she'd be an amazing mom she just needed a real opportunity. 

"What did Magnus say about your memory?" I asked in genuine curiosity. 

"It's temporary, a result of the deprivation of oxygen whilst I went into the coma. Magnus said it should only last for a few days or even less than that dependant on how much stress I put on my body." 

"That's a relief." I said and let out a large breath I had no idea I was holding. The fear of Jordyn not loving me would tear me apart and I don't think I'd have recovered this time around. 

Jordyn put Dawson back into his crib and I followed her with Isabella, placing the baby girl down so delicately. Jordyn walked towards me and I felt her slender hand wrap around mine. "I don't remember everything we've been through this year, but watching how cautious you are around me makes me understand just how much you do love me Trey. And despite not remembering right now, something in my gut is telling me to kiss you. To allow myself to feel this overwhelming compassion that's building up in my chest. So is that okay?" she asked, her hand holding mine tightly. I lent down to reach her lips and placed a delicate kiss on them as though she would break at my touch. 

"I love you Jordyn Lightwood." I said, smiling amongst my tears.

She smiled back widely and leaned into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her petite frame and held her to me, afraid to let her go ever again. I felt her lips move as she spoke up, "I love you too Trey, I just need to remember it." 

And for the first time that week I returned to the loft, I slept on the couch to allow Jordyn to have her space but I lay happily knowing that she'd be okay. Jordyn was okay. The twins were healthy. 

And I'd never been more relieved in my life.

Uncovered - A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now