Chapter 33 - "Yesterday"

Start from the beginning

After Adrien's father's death, Nooroo unfortunately only had a few days of normalcy before he and his Miraculous both went missing again and akumas started popping up in Paris like before. The assumption is that someone had stolen it right out from under Adrien's (broken) nose, leaving Ladybug to fight the akumas solo for awhile. Ladybug and Chat Noir still have yet to find out who the mystery person is.

"So," Chat Noir starts as they make their way back to Marinette's house, "I have a theory."

Ladybug only hums in reply.

"I think that Hawk Moth is actually Drury Walker."

"Drury Walker?" She pulls out her yo-yo and searches the name before sighing at the single result, "You mean the Batman villain? I have a feeling you might be wrong."

"His name is literally Killer Moth, what other proof do you want?" He laughs at himself.

"Well, for one, he has to be a real person, which he's not... so."

"You're no fun." He nudges her shoulder with his.

"I'm plenty of fun when we're not talking about a super villain who is much more creative than your dad ever was."

"To be more creative than a fashion designer you've gotta have some charisma." Chat points out.

Ladybug falls silent, deep in thought until Chat takes her hand in his, "You know, I love these little walks together, not having to worry about changing back and everything."

She looks at him from the side of her eye and sees he's looking at her like that again, "You know," Ladybug jokes, "It's ironic that you have a puppy dog look when you're called Chat Noir..."

"Only for you, My Lady," He winks, "Don't let that get out to the tabloids, though, my cat-like reputation would be mew-ind."

She lets his terrible pun pass, "Well, it's not like they'll notice it themselves, they haven't even figured out we're dating yet."

"Odd, since my flirting has only gotten better. Also," In one smooth motion, Chat spins Ladybug and pulls her by the hips till they're both chest to chest. He places his hand on her cheek, moving a strand of hair out of the way, and glances down at her lips, "I think," He says as he inches his face closer and Marinette blushes furiously underneath her mask, "We should get pot pie for dinner."

Ladybug pulls away and smacks him upside the head, "Don't do that to me!"

He rubs where she hit him, laughing at her reaction, "I've still got it."

Ladybug rolls her eyes, "Shall we?" She gestures in the general direction of her house and they both make their way up to the rooftops of Paris until they jump onto Marinette's balcony. She opens her trapdoor and lets Chat hop through it where he takes his transformation down as soon as he hits the covers. Ladybug follows, standing briefly on her bed before falling into his lap, "Tikki, spots off." Tikki flies to embrace Plagg and they quickly head over to a vacant pin cushion to talk.

Adrien is still amazed every time Marinette changes from Ladybug back to her normal self and vice versa. There's always a slight change in her demeanor that possibly explains why he couldn't figure out who she was for years. Marinette is sweet and - he found out after awhile - incredibly outgoing. Ladybug is spunky and confident beyond all other women he's ever met in his life, and if he was any less of a man, he'd probably be intimidated by his own girlfriend.

"You're giving me that look again." Marinette says with a sleepy smirk.

Adrien snaps out of his thoughts, "Sorry, I get lost in how cute you are sometimes." He notices her blinks getting longer, "You gonna go to sleep?"

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